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Cold Starts - Idle problem


New Member
June 8, 2000
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City, State
Toronto, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
In the winter and even in the summer, after the truck has been sitting overnight or for a couple of hours it has a bad idle after start up. It basically revs high and then drops and continues this sequence until it sometimes stalls because the revs are so low, the check engine light comes on. The dealer took a look at it and thinks its the Mass air flow sensor or the lower intake gaskets based on the tests they did. Has anyone had this problem and had it corrected?

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I have had experience with that problem. It is the intake manifold gaskets that are bad. That gaskets which are actually rubber seals are shrinking and letting un-metered air into the engine. You will have to remove the intake manifold and replace the lower intake manifolds upper and lower seals. Or bring it to your Ford dealer. There is a TSB (technical service bulletin) for this problem. They should be well aware of this problem.

Would you happen to know what the TSB number for this is?

TSB # 99-10-4

cold start

Try cleaning your m.a.f sensor with carbie cleaner and reset your computor .
It worked for my 97xlt shoc .
seee jaaa

Since we are on this topic, I tried to clean my MAF but one of the two screws holding it down was covered with a black enamel and I couldn't get the screwdriver on the screw. Any suggestions? I did use the security star screwdriver and it worked on the one screw.

They are supposed to stay on/give you a hard time to take off b/c the factory uses loctite on the screws. This is sort of an adhesive bond which "locks" the screws in place. You alternative to the screw driver is to use a drill, but be careful b/c it is real easy to lose your cool and strip the screw and then you'll be......... screwed.

I also have a 98 XLT 4.0 SOHC with same problem in cold weather. Where would you get a copy of the TSB (I tried alldata but they did not have it listed.) Thanks for any info.
