Convert from V8 AWD to 4WD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Convert from V8 AWD to 4WD

I like the idea of a little more power than the V6. However Ford doesn't offer the V8 in a 4x4. And since I plan on replacing the transfercase with the Atlas II, both axles with Danas, and adding a Superlift 5.5", is it reasonable to expect this is possible? Will the transmission still work? Am I missing something?

I know the AWD have IFS. I assume converting to TTS is possible without bankrupting the US government.

From what I have been told a 4x4 T-case will bolt to your Transmission. But the Problem is clearance for the t-case. Plus with an AWD front end you would be better off installing a dana 44 solid front axle. Point being you will spend a lot of money on the set up either way. good luck

Any updates?

yes there are updates

the BW 4406 manual t case bolts in to our 96-2001 5.0L AWD trucks with little mods and gives you a true 4x4 5.0L explorer, I love mine! the 4406 t case is a monster!!
