Coolant leaking from ???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coolant leaking from ????


May 3, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Waialua, HI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer
Howzit! I have a 94 explorer that was leaking crazy amounts of coolant. When I took it to the shop, of course the leaking stopped. The mechanic said it was possibly the "intake cooling gasket." Took it to another guy, did a pressure test on it for a long time, and came up with nothing. Now, i'm staring to leak a little, and not only can I smell the coolant, but there is a wierd hissing noise coming from behind the fan. Could not see too well because it just started to make this noise and it's dark, plus I have a craptastick flashlight. Any thoughts would be a big big help.


-Squishy in Hawaii

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Cooling intake..

The pressure test was run for at least 2 hrs when the guy looked at it. I took it to the shop Wed. and I got a call today saying it was indeed the cooling intake that needed to be replaced. How complex of a job is it?


This is a dumb question, but have you crawled under the truck to look for the leak? Coolant is green when it's wet, but white when it dries.

Jkrew said:
The pressure test was run for at least 2 hrs when the guy looked at it. I took it to the shop Wed. and I got a call today saying it was indeed the cooling intake that needed to be replaced. How complex of a job is it?


I'd say it's fairly complex. A little involved for the do-it-yourselfer, but if you've done it a few times not too bad.

They mean the lower intake manifold gasket. It can be done by a shade tree mechanic, but it is a (weekend killer) 2-day job if you take your time and are slow like me.

What is time-consuming about is removing all of the top things to get TO the gasket itself. It's one of those jobs, where you have to do 100 things just to change a cheap little $2 gasket.
