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Cracking sound climate control panel

I have a new to me 2017 Explorer limited, 15k miles. I've had it a week and I hear periodic "cracking" noises that seem to be coming from the climate control buttons. Everything works fine..Is this a normal noise?
I have the same problem. It's not normal but may be hard to get rid of based on the answers that I have read. Seems to be the plastic expanding/contracting - but it sounds more like static charges or something electrical.

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I have the same problem. It's not normal but may be hard to get rid of based on the answers that I have read. Seems to be the plastic expanding/contracting - but it sounds more like static charges or something electrical.
Welcome to the Forum John.:wave:
It could be an expanding/contracting issue as mentioned. I haven't had the issue in any of my vehicles so I can't say for sure.


I have a new to me 2017 Explorer limited, 15k miles. I've had it a week and I hear periodic "cracking" noises that seem to be coming from the climate control buttons. Everything works fine..Is this a normal noise?
I have the same issue in my "new to me" 2018 Explorer Sport!! I thought a plastic water bottle was stuck somewhere because that's exactly what it sounds like. No water bottle anywhere! I'm on a mission to figure it out though!!

I have the same issue in my "new to me" 2018 Explorer Sport!! I thought a plastic water bottle was stuck somewhere because that's exactly what it sounds like. No water bottle anywhere! I'm on a mission to figure it out though!!
Welcome to the Forum Cathy. :wave:
Does the sound occur at any particular time? Start-up, driving over bumps, heater ON/OFF, etc? These noises can be difficult to pinpoint as sound can travel. Good luck on your mission and please report back. Thanks.


I have the same problem. It's not normal but may be hard to get rid of based on the answers that I have read. Seems to be the plastic expanding/contracting - but it sounds more like static charges or something electrical.
Any update on this issue?

