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custom intake piping and brackets


Well-Known Member
March 4, 2005
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canastota,new york
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 sport
Has anyone with an aftermarket or custom intake made a bracket to hold the air filter up or more horizontal? How? Also, what about a tube or hose from grill for cooler air. Thanks.

The K&N FIPK system I have comes with a 'saddle bracket' which basically hooks up onto an alternator bolt and holds the intake tube horizontal, which then keeps the filter in place if thats what you're talking about. I dont see any need on my system to fab up another bracket.

See, I went to Sears Hardware and got some kind of adapter for plumping. It's round, yet just large enough to bold to the mafs. It has a small lip to hold the cone filter. I used a rubber gasket between the mafs and the adapter then sealed everything with blue silicone. The problem is the cone seems heavy and just "hangs" down almost on the bottom were the stock air box was. Oh well I'll just go to hardware store and wing it. Btw it sounds wicked at wot, my ol lady likes it too! I wonder if she'll like custom front and rear bumpers?

To anwser your other question, a couple people have ran hoses from the front of their car to the filter area for cooler air. However, if your aftermarket intake system has a heat shield already then there is really no need to go to great lengths to cool the air more than it already is.

Theoretically the Ideal Gas Law says that colder air (at constant volume and pressure) will contain more molecules of oxygen then the same sample at a higher temperature. HOWEVER, a Cold Air Induction intake has not (to my knowledge) been tested on a dyno in a direct comparison with an ambient-engine-bay-temperature intake.

We have compared, for example, the dyno results of a 'hot' MAC to a 'cold' K&N intake and the results were very similar (about 6 hp+ on gen 2 explorers), but this is a comparison of 2 different intakes, so the actual results of CAI are mostly unknown until we compare say a K&N with the shield to the same model without.
