cv half shaft? Gear oil everywhere | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cv half shaft? Gear oil everywhere


August 3, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 mountaineer
I have been getting this very loud screatching noise whenever I turn my wheel or hit a bump. Ball joints/tie rods/control arms/shocks/links n bushings are all new. I'm assuming that the noise has to be cv arms since everything else is new. Noise is coming from passenger side but gear oil is present on both driver and passenger side. On both sides there is a pile of it sitting on top of the control arm right under the cv half shafts.(I'm assuming that is gear oil I'm seeing in the pic below)


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Looks like grease to me. Did the new balljoints have grease fittings, maybe they were overfilled?

Yeah that is not gear oil.

Check the CV boots. If that grease came from the CV there has to be a hole in the boot.

CV boot for sure.

Yeah that is not gear oil.

Check the CV boots. If that grease came from the CV there has to be a hole in the boot.

I checked and you can clearly see the whole in the cv boot. I guess its time to replace the half shaft.:)

hey h.e.a.t., any chance you can post some pics of the CV/hole?
