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dealer diagnostics and repair


Explorer Addict
October 5, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Lynnwood WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XL / 4x4 / 4.0 ohv
I just took my 1999 explorer 4.0 ohv to the dealer for a 90 dollar diagnostic

My symptoms were:
A very loud power steering pump
A strange whirring rubbing sound form the clutch fan area
A clicky clunk sound from the general area of the bellhousing
And lastly a engine stumble while idling

There 2 hour diagnosis brought them to the conclusion that I need a new PS pump.
That my fan clutch was binding causing the whirring and the stumble.
And lastly that the loud clic from underneath is a cat on the way out.

Everything is covered by warranty, but I wanted some input from you all as to if these were the likely culprits, Particularly in regard to the stumble and the underneath click/clunk?

Thanks for your input.

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Sounds about right.

was the noise from the cat only after taking your foot off the gas pedal or the entire time of driving, cause i have a noise kinda like that when i'm off the gas and breaking, i can hear it really well with the windows down and music low.

Stupid question: they're sure it's not just the cat heat shield, right? Though a bad cat would explain your idle problem.

if so , they are giving me a free cat. Made the ford warranty by 2800 miles:D

He did use his little headset to determine precise location and tested on the cat under the shield. but then again the sound would still come through if it was the shield
