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diesel engine swap

410Fortune said:
I think there is alot more to it then that :) Emissions?

Diesiel's are exempt from emissions test

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This sounds cool, but seems like am awfull lot of work just to get better milage. I'm in the process of gathering funds (tax return and a small loan) to get the thomas knight Eaton CS retro for the OHV 6. Even this seems like a lot of money and work for the performance gains.

there are better ways to SC the 4.0L...also dont take out a loan to SC your truck!! hahahaha yeah I know I should talk......

A few things...

Do you plan on college, cause if so, I thnk that'd be more important than a diesel engine swap...

I think trying to fit a small diesel out of a box van/delivery truck would be way easier... because you could strip it of anything and everything you want right there, than piece together something shipped over from england...

Why not just buy a used ranger from england, ship it over, do any necessary conversions necessary?

I know its on another website (hope I don't get in trouble for this), but here is a diesel explorer that has a froti-lay step van 3.9 in it. :D

click here

I won't be going to an expensive college. If that idea goes bad I'll just work for the family business. And we're all well off. I'll be fine.

Shipping a used diesel Ranger from England would really be expensive. I don't think you could just drive it because of safety laws etc, and getting it titled would be a pain.

I do want to do this turbo diesel setup. Somewhat off topic, but since yesterday my dad helped me arrange for a good used transmission from Virginia to be shipped in. With that in, I'll have my overdrive, so one less project to be fixed, so I could actually get into doing this project.

Then again, my dad has a not-stuck 302 out in the barn, with a genuine Cobra intake manifold. It ran fine long ago but just smoked a little. My dad said it probably just needs valve guide seals. So I could go that route if I wanted to, and that is still a worthy project.

But I want to stand out. These days, vehicles are too generic. Deep inside, I want the turbo diesel. This spring/summer I'll be working and getting decent income, and can check into it deeper.

I don't want to do it just for fuel-milage

How about diesel in one explorer and 302 in the other :D

EMG7895 said:
How about diesel in one explorer and 302 in the other :D
Sounds like a good idea to me :D

Dam man sweet project. I wanted to do a 302 swap in my explorer. But like someone mentioned college is coming up so i gotta save. I just found out my year and a half of school is gonna cost $34000! Thats to go to school at UTI in Phoenix. That blew the 302 project right up! But hey when im done i will be a dam good Ford mechanic. Good luck with everything.. Should be real sweet when all is said and done!

I'd love to throw one of the new 6.0 PSD's in my Ex, but I'll have to wait a while for it to age before I do that! Or just wait until the rumored diesel Expeditions come out in a couple of years and trade up.

would those turbo diesle's out of VW's work? just thinking b/c theyre smaller. i dunno.

I'd be more inclined to do the VW conversion as well.

Regarding the Euro PSD working with the M5OD transmission - you do realize that there's more than one bellhousing pattern that the M5OD is cast for, right? There's a pattern for the 2.3/2.5, one for the 2.9/4.0, and one for the 3.0. Each is an M5OD-R1 (or M5OD-HD), but they have different bolt patterns from engine to transmission.

Aren't those front wheel drive? The VWs I mean.

Yes, but they have been used for rwd/4wd conversions in the past, so there has to be something out there... Somebody sold a kit to use them in Sammy's for a while?

It would be alot easier to find a TD tractor. I see older turbo 4 cylinder tractors sell around here for <$2000. We just sold our MF 1160 tractor for like $4500, and it had a 5.9 liter I-6 Perkins Turbo diesel. You'd just have to find a way to mate it to the tranny.... you might need to get a job at Advanced Adapters....haha

I didn't know about the M5OD situation. This idea might be shot.

Dear friend : I´m writing you from Uruguay, a place where regular 95 liter costs over a dollar and diesel the half of that.Diesel swap is a common practice here since used engines are imported from everywhere.Explorer is a rare model here above all american type ones(auto trans. and 4.0L engine,like mine). On the other hand it is very common the Ranger you describe.(4 door 4*4)which mounts the engine you like. that 2.5 turbo intercooler.(In England comes in the Land Rover Discovery with other cylinder head)Actually gained 300cc and is 2.8 but another make. These engines are made in Brazil and let me give you a piece of advice:
1.- This diesel is not forever, lasts 160k until it bursts!
2.- 2.5 maxxion engine(note it´s not Ford make)comes with a Mazda gear box that isnñt rough enough for the truck. Also burst before 200k
3.- If still you are not convinced, try a 2.8 MWM TD engine Brazilian origin also.NOt so crappy but....

Other people here made a japanese choice and put into the truck a 2.7 td coming from the Nissan Terrano, but will cope with lack of power and gear ratio misses.there is also an Isuzu engine that fits after large mods and uncertainly results.
Let me tell you one thing: Ford doesn´t sell this engine in The United States because securely they will have a rain of consumer lawsuits and recalls.In Latin America controls are not so exhaustive and they can ¨EXPERIENCE¨ here. Hope i,m helpful, e' mail me if an american engine option is available like Power Stroke... or something. hbado@adinet.com.uy.
