Dieseling - bad fuel smell - smoke - fast start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dieseling - bad fuel smell - smoke - fast start


Well-Known Member
June 29, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Clearwater, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Ford Explorer XLT
So a problem that has recently been growing worse with my truck...

When I turn it on, it either takes a few "vavavavava*VROOM*" to turn on... Or it turns on super fast.... Like "vaVROOM".

If it turns on fast, the idle is gross.... Very clunky, and driving fees like driving down a bumpy road because the engine is knocking everywhere when I accelerate.

I don't like driving like that; I like to get a "clean start", so if I get an engine start like that, I turn the truck off and try again, till I get a start that doesn't make the engine run crappy...

However, when I'm turning it off, it's dieseling (I.e. The engine is making a really loud knocking sound and shaking all over the place under the hood.)

This dieseling can last anywhere from a second to minutes... But for the most part, if I turn it off and it diesels, I just turn the key back on and the engine instantly is running again, no need for any "vavrooms"... Then I pump the gas, let the RPMs drop again, and then turn it off, and it normally shuts right off..

If I choose to just let it diesel (out of curiosity), it makes a big airy release sound like a school bus stopping, and then smoke will come out of any little cracks in my air intake tube that connects my air filter box to my throttle body. Also, it smells pretty bad when that airy release sound happens, so it's better to avoid this and just turn the car back on, rev it and let the RPMs drop like I said to turn it off cleanly.

That must narrow the issue down a lot? White smoke located somewhere within the air system or throttle body/fuel system?

Does anyone have any ideas? I hate my car dieseling every time I try to park and get out to go into work...

Let me know. :(

Check if your tranny vacuum line has fluid in it. Maybe your engine is consuming the oil, and it burns hot enough to burn without spark.
