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diff gear help.


May 17, 2012
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City, State
originaly Buckholts, Texas / Stationed at Ft. Bragg NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ford Explorer
So I got a 96 Explorer sitting on 33's its the 4.0 auto 4x4 4d. It runs great down the road with the stock 3.73 gears but I want to swap my gears which would be better 4.10 or 4.56 I need to still be able to go 70-75 MPH due to traveling. But I want the best performance off road with out losing street ability.

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So I got a 96 Explorer sitting on 33's its the 4.0 auto 4x4 4d. It runs great down the road with the stock 3.73 gears but I want to swap my gears which would be better 4.10 or 4.56 I need to still be able to go 70-75 MPH due to traveling. But I want the best performance off road with out losing street ability.
Know the old saying "you can't have your cake and eat it too"? Seriously though, I personally would go with the 4:10 gears. But then I would not run 33's on any thing unless I was going mudding. The largest tire I ever ran on any 4x4 I ever owned, and I have owned plenty in the past,was 31-10.50-15's. But, that was my personal choice. Here in Az, just didn't have the need for bigger tires. If you go with 4:10's they will get your engine closer to the torque range while still giving you decent highway cruise RPM. My feeling, if you go with 4:56's, is if you go back to stock, or something close, it will kill your cruise RPM. But this is just my opinion.There are formulas online to help you figure what gears will be most beneficial to you. Good luck and happy cruising.

I do Mud alot expecially since Im moving back to Texas in Feb. But yea this is the first truck ive had 33's on before it was all 31s and 32s. Like i was saying though I dont need to go fast just need to go 70. I know 4.10s will bring me close back close to stock but Im looking to get a little more power then stock thanks for the info. Here is my truck for a reference.

IMO that's alot of work to only go to 410s I think with the 33s 456s will act like a 31x10.5 with 410s

4.56s. I have them and 33" tires. I can run 75 mph no problems. This combo is roughly the same as 29" tires (stock) with 4.10 gears.

When I had 4.56 and 30" tires, it didn't want to go over 70. It wasn't that I was out of revs- it was just a resonate frequency thing.

And if you go with 4.56s, if you ever go with 35" tires, you'll still be in good shape.

Ok cool well 4.56 it is then. Any advice on installing them I heard a rumor you have to cut the carrier to fit 4.56. My current set up is 3.73 LSD

I believe mine went in without grinding.

I also came from a 3:73 LSD

i run 4.56 with my 35" mud rovers and i love them. but i also have 5.0 v8 with the extra power. now with the 4.56 your carier will be fine but your center pin will not fit. now you can get a notched center pin but i dont like them. they are much weaker. what i did and a few other people on here have done is ground down a tooth on the ring gear to clear the full center pin. but only remove what you need. your only going to take a corner down.i will see if i can find a thread that i read when i did mine. i have about 15000 miles on mine and no problems.

Thanks guys. That chart does help and to gain better power off road I can deal with losing 5 mph for crusing. If you could find that tread on thegear grinding that would be great.

Go with 4.56's

I have a similar setup to you. I just had 4.56's installed on mine. Go with 4.56's. I run about 70-80mph but my rpms are a little higher (around 2800-3000). So she is purring loudly, and its my choice to run that speed so i lose the mpg because of the high rpms. But in town acceleration, :thumbsup: . Off the line takeoff is nice. I am no rocket ship, but ever since i installed the CAI i feel like there is some power finally. Also it will help much more when crusing at low speeds while wheeling. Now the tanks that i calm down and drive more like a human, the mpg's have a slight increase. Dont plan on them paying off soon at the pump, but the stress level is decreased significantly. Even from 4.10's to 4.56's.

My 2 cents for you :) good luck and happy holidays! :)


i can say in my 96 going from a 373 to 456 i hate it on the highway, its nice not bouncing in and out of overdrive through the hills (w/373) but when i put 35s on i outta be happy. 410s may be the way to go. Also just to give you an idea with 373s i was reading 5mph slow now with 456 im 5 mph faster. also make sure you get standard rotation gears for the front axle, many companies have ALL explorers listed as reverse

my 96 loved the 33's with 4:10 gears,, i was getting over 21 mpg every time,,
when i stepped up to the 35's my gas mileage went down to about 17-18 tops,
