door panels for 2 door=4 door fronts??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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door panels for 2 door=4 door fronts???


February 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bozeman, Montana
Year, Model & Trim Level
92' navajo dx
I want to replace my door panels in my 92 navajo with a pair from a 96 4door. Will this work any help is appreciated.

Terry McDonald or PM

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Unfortunately, I don't think it will work..... Aren't the doors on the sport larger than the 4doors?

I don't think the doors are any larger, I actually think it might work. You might need to swap the window switchplates and everything like that also though. The contours are different 91-94/95+, but I think the overall shapes are the same. Some of the plastic rivets might not line up, but you can rig something up to fix that.

According to the junkyards I have visited, the doors on the sport are larger than the ones on a 4 door. Once I royally messed up one of my panels and tried to find a new one, and there were no sport doors to be found... This is just what they told me, but I can't see why they wouldn't want to sell me something unless it really would not work.

The door panels on a two door are longer in length than ones from a four door. They also are different from 95 on. I don't think the top of the door clips on the same way beetween 91-94, and 95-01.

Also, the doors will have different power controls due to the fact that one has switches for all 4 doors, and a different power mirror setup.
