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Door Unlock Switch Problem


Well-Known Member
September 16, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 97XL
I have recently noticed that my Drivers Side Unlock Button doesn't work anymore, but the lock works just fine.

Thinking it was my switch I managed to find a switch that worked on a rolled EX, changed the whole handle assembly switch and all, and noticed that the switch is still not unlocking. Therefore, I know it isn't the switch.

I'm pretty sure that it isn't the actuator of the door, as when I hit lock, all the doors lock, and from the passenger side I unlock, and all the doors unlock. Also my remote works unlocking and locking the doors just fine.

My best guess is the wiring to the switch somewhere.

I tore apart the extra switch I found and found the following on the picture.

When the switch is not being used, I found the following:
- A & B , C & D were closed circuits

When the lock button is activated:
- D & E are closed, C & D are open

When the unlock button is activated:
- A & E are closed, A & B are open

My guess is that the wire for 'A' must have a break somewhere.

Any suggestions?


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I have checked everything mechanically in the door. The remotes and other switches unlock fine just the switch or connection I think.

When I hit the unlock switch on the door, it doesn't even make a sound. Leaving me to assume it may be an electrical or wiring problem.


It's the actual locking mechinism, the one that actually clamps down n secures the door... is the lil push thingie locking, but not coming back up?

It's not just 1 door.

When I hit the switch on the DR side it locks all doors, but doesn't unlock them.

When I use the remote or the Passenger side switch, unlock & locking works fine on all doors.

Telling me it may be a wire or electrical.

All door locks function fine, all the switches anywhere but the DR door works fine.


Thanks all for your suggestions.

I traced the wire back from the switch and found the wire broken in the bundle of wires (pink/green) in the door assembly.

