Driver seat wil not lock. need help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driver seat wil not lock. need help


July 26, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
on my 1996 explorer my driver seat will not lock into place. i pull the latch and the seat will lean all the way back and it will click into place. but the seat still moves forward and backwards. so i can lock it into place but once i sit down the seat leans all the way back down.

how do i fix this?

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I have the same problem and purchased the truck that way. It's not a comfort issue, but it makes the seat belt almost pointless. I could jam it up with some hardware and prevent any movement at all, but I would rather just get some info for a fix. I'd be fine if i could just swap with the passenger seat, but it's got that middle seat attached. Haven't found a reasonable replacement yet.

Did you ever have the seat recline bolt recall work done?

Did you ever have the seat recline bolt recall work done?

I've never heard of it and I just went over a list of recalls for the b3000. Is it an explorer or ranger defect? How do I make use of this?

It was an explorer/mountaineer recall. The bolts holding the seatback to the recline mechanism werent hardened so they could snap off during use. Lever & ratchet work, but seat still moves around. I think the replacement bolts were like $3.

It was an explorer/mountaineer recall. The bolts holding the seatback to the recline mechanism werent hardened so they could snap off during use. Lever & ratchet work, but seat still moves around. I think the replacement bolts were like $3.

Where do I get the bolts from and are there any instructions? Do rangers and explorers have the same seats?
