Drivers Side Window Crank Skipping :( | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drivers Side Window Crank Skipping :(


December 20, 2004
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Recently my 94 explorers drivers door window crank started skipping when the window gets to the top and is almost closed. I figured the splines in the handle were toast so I removed the handle and they look fine. I took the rear door crank off and swapped to confirm and same thing happens. Following weekend I took the door panel off and looked down inside the door and can see the gears are skipping under any tension. I guess I have to replace the whole works? window lifter and everything? It seems like everything is kind of a "sealed unit" like there is no way to take it apart without complete window and mechanism removal. It's snowing and I would like to be able to fully close my window without having to push it up by hand :p Any help or links would be awesome.

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i remember seeing this exact problem.. try searching

Auto Zone and others have a repair kit for the lift motor. it consists of 3 plastic pins that are almost gone in yours. if it still goes up and down some, you still have some of the pins still there.

there have been several threads in the last few months about ford (happens on almost all types) window motors. use the search function; it should bring up threads with pictures..


try this thread...

I got my kits from ford. There is a gear box plate, 3 pins and some grease. I don't remember if the big gear comes with it or not, its been awhile since i did it. The kit rebuilds the gearbox on the opwer window motor. Both windows in my bronco did the same thing and one window in one of my Exs.

kiddin'? if its manual.. take off the door panel and just look at it. it should be apparent as to what's worn/needs replacing..

....sorry, it never occured to me that EX's came with manual windows !

as a matter of fact, I've never seen an EX with manual windows ! :eek:

he said he took the door panel off and checked, i'd just get that repair kit if i was you, try lubing up the parts that you can get to

Whoops, I should have caught that. My 92 has manual rollup windows. :confused:
