Ejecting a disc changer magazine without power? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ejecting a disc changer magazine without power?


Well-Known Member
November 10, 2008
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1998 Mountaineer
It it possible to get the magazine out of a F87F-18C830-AA CD changer without having it powered up?

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There's probably a solenoid/spring/latch contraption that you can manually activate once the faceplate is off, but it might be easier to just give it power, or is it broken?

I just took a look at my CD changer and I don't see any way to manually eject it. I could only get it to eject by plugging it in and pressing the eject button.

If plugging it in to the vehicle isn't an option, you should be able to locate the pinout for the connector on The Internet; It should just be a simple matter of feeding it 12v and pressing the eject button.

Wrenches? Hammer? Pry bar?
