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Engine Missing


New Member
February 20, 2004
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2000 XLS
Have a 2000 XLS. 4.0 with 120,000 kms. on it and was running great until recently. Started throwing off a code indicating cylinder 2 was missing. So far have changed the plugs, changed the plug wire on #2, changed the fule injector on #2, changed the coil on #2, ran fuel line cleaner thru, used gas line antifreeze, run the tank almost empty, used premium fuel and now have changed the mass air flow sensor. Cylinder hasd good compression. Bucks like a bronco on the highway. Has not stalled out completely but am getting unsure of the vehcile on the highway. Anyone out there got anymore suggestions. So frustrated thinking of trading the ***** off......

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sounds like you dumped a lot of money onto this problem when you may not have to. i would have replaced all th plug wires as spark from the old wires may be arching. have you tried seafoam

also did you replace the coilpack because you said the #2 coil

Replaced only the number 2 plug wire and the coil for the #2 cylinder which also fires another unknown cylinder.

i am confused here i thought the coilpack fired all 6cyl

I am not a mechanic but thought the dealer said it fired more than one cylinder. Could have been the enitre coil pack. Some of this has been done under the extended warranty so i haven't got a detailed bill at this point.

well what i would do is hook up a timing light to the #2 wire and see if you have got spark and go from there

My Explorer has a slight miss, it allways has. I can hear it from the tail pipe. Never anycodes and the only other problem at this time has been hard starts every once in a while.

So I assumed it was normal.

The occassional miss I can live with. This is like riding a bucking bronco, almost like there is water in the gas tank (which there isn't), miss miss miss

my next step would be to check the compression and spark on all cyls

Check the compression, maybe again, I think I remember reading that you did. Then go over EVERYTHING to make sure its connected and tight. I'm pretty sure the coil pack fires all 6. If its bucking, then I would think your getting compression, just not firing right.

pull the plug wire off the cyl if it runs the same than you have narrowed it down a lot
