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Everstart battery


Elite Moderator
Moderator Emeritus
April 25, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 JK
My truck is over four years old, so I decided to replace the battery whether it needed it or not. I decided to go to Walmart since they have low prices and a great warranty. For $60 I got the Everstart DT-1. It has 850 cold amps, better than my 650 stock. My lights don't dim anymore when I turn the engine on!

So if you can't shell out the $$$ for an Optima, shop around. You can still get good batteries for the same price as a stock replacement. (NTB was a lot more expensive).

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Bad mouth me if you want to but,.... at pep-boys (yeah, I know what some of you say )they have their premium batteries, and maybe the lower range too, to where there is NO pro-rate during the first 2 years. I'm sure mine is in the vicinity of the 800CCA range, and paid about the same. It doesn't cost extra for the 2 years thing, it's part of their doing business different thing.

Walmart's warranty is free replacement for 2 years, and prorate from 2-7 years.

i have an interstate battery, but its actually made by optima, it the same kind and everything only the big lable says interstate and it cost a lot less than the optima name

Hey TacOmeat,
You mean it's a dry cell like the Optima's are?

Originally posted by Ray Lobato
Hey TacOmeat,
You mean it's a dry cell like the Optima's are?

Ray, Interstate bought out Optima. My Optima has the Interstate lable on it. But it also says Optima too. They are now the same and one company.


I have to disagree with you unless Optima changed ownership in the last 2 months.

I bought my Optima from an authorized Optima warehouse distributor and when I purchased the battery I noticed the Interstate clone and asked about it.

He told me that Interstate produces the battery under license from Optima but they were separate and distinct companies. Regardless and no matter who owns the company, it still is a great battery.
