Exhaust Port Size? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhaust Port Size?


Well-Known Member
August 5, 2006
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City, State
Portland, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
98' Mountaineer 5.0
I'm looking into buying some new header gaskets but I need to know what the exhaust port size is for my vehicle in order to order them. I drive a 98' Mountaineer 5.0L and was hoping someone would know. It's one of these two sizes:

1-1/8" x 1-1/2" square port


1-1/4" x 1-5/8" square port

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The problem is that some people with TM headers have had problems with their gaskets not sealing the flange correctly. Mine have been leak free so far though.

I don't know the port size for GT40P heads though.

You can contact Torque Monster headers and see if you can buy thier gaskets alone, they are made specifically for 5.0L Explorer/Mountaineers


Those are the gaskets that I'm having problems with our the gaskets that came with my Torque Monsters. There really thin plus I'd like to upgrade to a copper or graphite gasket.

The problem is that some people with TM headers have had problems with their gaskets not sealing the flange correctly. Mine have been leak free so far though.

I don't know the port size for GT40P heads though.

I took one of the extra set of gaskets that Robert from Torque Monster gave me and measured it. It measures 1-3/16" x 1-7/16" does that sound about right?

Yeah, if that is the gasket opening size, I would say that the port size of the head is probably the 1-1/8 X 1-1/2. It would still be nice to have a head to measure, and know for sure.
