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September 7, 2006
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Milford, CT
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ex- 94 Eddie Bauer
I saw a while back a picture in 4wheeler of a first gen body sitting on a Bronco chassis. This seems like it would be a really easy way to get solid axle and a v8 in one easy swap, so I was considering trying it out. Out of curiosity why haven't more people done it? Any thoughts?

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I saw a while back a picture in 4wheeler of a first gen body sitting on a Bronco chassis.

Where? I'd like to see that job.

If someone did that, they'd probably have to fab new body mounts. If you're talking EXplorer Sport, the body of a Sport would not fit well onto a full-size Bronco chassis. It would be too short, unless one were to cut the frame on the ends or something like that. I guess you would have space for a nice winch platform in front, or big rear platform for a spare... :)


something like this?

Search F-250 Explorer

It has the 300 I6 (sweetness!) but this is a F-250 Explorer, almost exactly what you are thinking

FSBronco frame may even be a better fit? I dunno

dam a guy down the street just brought a 84' bronco to the scrap yard that he was almost giving away.

I saw a while back a picture in 4wheeler of a first gen body sitting on a Bronco chassis. This seems like it would be a really easy way to get solid axle and a v8 in one easy swap, so I was considering trying it out. Out of curiosity why haven't more people done it? Any thoughts?

Well actually you would have to get an older bronco (pre-1980) to get a solid front axle. And the only reason I see of putting an explorer body on a newer bronco frame would be to get the v8 but even then its pretty pointless.


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now looks better IMO :)

I think before looked better. Just needed bigger tires.
What size you running now? The new version does look cool with the cage and all.
