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Explorer gurus

The exploder

Well-Known Member
September 10, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Idaho falls Idaho
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 sport
I have resently discovered while takeing 4 people to a ski hill it is hard to get both passagers and boards in my 1993 sport......What i am wondering is: my dad has some old ski racks that went on a malibu if i took them apart and fastend them on my roof racks whould that work.........I have heard that the racks cant support even off road lights at hiway speeds..And i really dont wanna see 4 boards go bye bye :)
So if any of you have any good or bad advice on the subject please inform me.....Also if you know of any way to attach the old ski racks to the bars or racks on the roof....... Thank you

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You should be able to do it.

i had a homemade safari rack and off road lights/spare tire attached to my crossbows and never had a problem with it except for the fuel mileage.

I used a piece of pipe insulation over the bars, then used a few zip ties, and finally wrapped the insulation with a roll of electrical tape. Then, if you know your knots, you can just use short pieces of rope and tie you skis/boards to the rack.

Ha dont think that i didnt think about it
and cyber how did you attach to the cross pieces......I wanna get the ski racks up there since my dad told me that i can destroy them in any whay nessasary to make them work........I just dont wanna screw in to them....Any ideas?????????

I have carried my 20ft kayak on mine with no problem.
you need to secure everything to the tie down bolts on the side rails.
I use rachet straps but be sure to loop over each item/board then under the rack as you work your way across to the other tie down

Well heres what i am trying to do i have some old ski racks that i wanna attach to the cross peices........the ski racks fit a old chevy malibu they have metal that attached in the door jams...I will try to get pics of it up
