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f250 coil springs and leaf spings on my 94 4 door explorer?


Well-Known Member
November 21, 2007
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Eddie Bauer
my friend has an early 90's f150 with f250 suspension. has a ford 8.8 in the rear and ttb in the front... he is planning on scrapping the f150, i was wondering if the coils and leafs off that will fit my explorer? 94 4 door

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no one has ever tried this?

F-250 4x4s have leafsprings all around, not coils.

F-150 coils can work in your Explorer, although there's no good way to know exactly how much lift you'll get (too much and your frontend will not be alignable).
The rear leafs I think are too long though.

he said that it does have coils in the front...i know the leafs will be too long, but i was thinking of trying to use the master leaf off the explorer then the rest off the f150, kinda like the f150 leaf thing, but with f250 leafs....

They're from a 2WD F-250 then.
Those coils will be VERY stiff.

its ok if their stiff, my accord is my every day driver. i believe the f150 is 4x4...i mean why would you get f250 suspension if you dont even have 4x4?
