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factory fog light question


Well-Known Member
March 29, 2002
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City, State
Hurricane, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 xlt 4x4
i would like to re-wire my fog lights to work completely independent of the headlights.

basically i want them to work with my high-beams, is this a fairly easy procedure?

also is it possible to remove the "bulb-shield" that covers the bulb within the fog light assembly? to make it sort of like the 2002 explorer ones?

i'd like a little more light from them, if possible.

any and all input is apreciated



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Do a search for it. There is a very detailed threat somewhere that tells you everything to do. I think it says how to move them over to the parking light circuit. Instead of tapping into the parking light circuit, just run a wire to the fuse panel and put them on the radio fuse or something. I dont know anything about the other question.

Do a search, there was a post a couple of weeks ago on this subject. Also, I hate to be the guy to always mentions this, in many states it is illegal to operate fog/driving lights with the high beams on; check your laws before making this change. I have gotten a ticket for this(not outragous, but a pain in the butt).

Yeah I posted a How-To on the fog lamp relay in the fall. Do a search here for it with my username and check my sig line and follow it to the exterior modifications and the switch mod I have instructions there.

thanks for the replies!

i found the post and can hardly wait to do this.

morrisey0- the cop that busted you must have been pretty bored. that's crazy.

if your fog lights are correctly aimed [3"- 4" below low beams] why would/should anyone care when they were on?

thanks again fellas


UR right about the cops in my parts, I also got a ticket for illegal window tint after driving the same car with same tint for 4 1/2 years. Another $90 pain in my butt.
Good luck!

I dont understand that law. I can understand if they give you a ticket for having too many lights on with the low beams because that is what you have on when you are around other cars. I dont know about you people, but I tend to only have my hi-beams on when no one is around. So I cant see how that is breaking the law, but theres the government for you.

You mentioned that you wanted more light. I have never looked into replacing the cover but I know they sell high power lights for them on ebay. I just ordered a set for my headlights, 80/100 watt, and I will be ordering a set for the driving lights soon. Also Make sure you keep your lights buffed out. Cheapo Ford insists on using plastic for their lights instead of glass. Use a plastic polish and a buffer if needed. Looks a lot better than the really pretty yellow lights:D

what is all this wattage stuff? How can bulbs be two different wattages? Like for example, my piaa bulbs for the pro 90's are 55/85 for the fogs and 85/110 for the driving lights. What in the world does that mean? What wattage are they?


be very careful with those over-wattage headlight bulbs.
there is a real danger of frying your wiring and or damaging those cheap plastic lenses.

if you want more light get some osram-sylvania silver stars. they are the brightest bulb available [according to osram]. they are 60/70 watt. also the sylvania x-tra vision bulbs give you a noticeable difference.


is a great reference page, it deals with european lighting,but is very informative on sealed beams also

