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ford vs. BMW


Well-Known Member
November 9, 2000
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City, State
Staten Island (part of NYC) , New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT and '99 EB
hey guys. i just thought i'd share thiswith ya's. i was driving next to a bwm x5 3.0i last night and he thought i was trying to race him or something so he floored his truck so i floored mine and i actually pulled ahead and put distance between us. he only had a 3.0, but still, it's a bmw for crying out loud. so we came to a red light and asked what i weas driving and when i told hima ford explorer, he couldn't believe it. i was so happy, lol. all i've done to my '99 4.0 sohc was a kkm intake and flowmaster 70 series. well happy new year everyone. lata.


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I'm all about Fords and stuff but BMWs are still pretty good. They may not be the fastest things (unless you get an M5 :D) ) but get next to him on a twisty mountain road and he'd be long gone. BMWs can't outrun everything but they can outhandle most. 4.0 SOHCs are great on the highway, i've been beat by one in my truck just because of the SOHCs advantage at high rpms. In Lieu of that i'm gonna throw on some headers and an E-cam as soon as my warranty runs out (5k more) :p

I find that hard to believe...have you ever driven the 3.0, you will be surprised.

believe it, lol! and yes i have driven an x5 because my neighbor has one and lets me drive it when i want, i even have my own key, lol he's the greatest. anyways, it was alot of fun. later.


i have driven a 3.0 x5 (the suv) they arent too great on power, but are still very respectable..... as for my power reference, explorers have no power, but a lot more than a lot of the stupid rice cars with a 5" exhuast tip....

well the 3.0 X5 only has a power to weight ratio that is ~20% better than a sohc explorer so i believe him.

rices i hate them. i've put a few to shame along with my friend who has a '00 cougar with some mods. they seem to think that because thay can hear their exhaust they are fast. ah well. what r ya gonna do.


I'm not going to doubt it since my SOHC pulls really hard on the top-end :D Now I wouldn't race past 100 ;) The bimmer has some aerodynamics. My X runs into a brick wall at 105.

I have taken a 3.0 X5 loaner we had up to 120+, so for sure give me the BMW on top-end.

Originally posted by Majisto
My X runs into a brick wall at 105.

Yeah , that will leave a scar.

I don't know. My mom has the 3.0 X5, and I love driving it. That thing is incredible. I wouldn't think an Explorer could beat it

The x-5 3.0 is not quick at all compared to a 5.0 Ex/Mounty, not sure about the sohc Explorers though. x-5's are pretty heavy and the inline 6 doesn't have the low-end torque to accelerate quickly as I've driven two and raced a friend driving his parents. The 4.4 X5 is another story as they will lay waste to you:)

but the inline 6 in the 330 on the other hand is pretty f'n fast, I have no idea how that car is so quick with not a lot of power....they run between 5.7 to 6.1 seconds to 60 with a manual.

Also, the manual in the X5 if you ever drive one sucks big time, I drove one with a manual and it was no where near BMW's car manuals, not smooth and shifts more like a diesel truck, thats why every review it'll say something about stay away from a manual X5....had such a balky feeling to it:confused:

Originally posted by diablo5969
I don't know. My mom has the 3.0 X5, and I love driving it. That thing is incredible. I wouldn't think an Explorer could beat it
Only one way to find out...challange your mom to a race! :D

Originally posted by VOATMJ1
Only one way to find out...challange your mom to a race! :D

You obviously have never met my mother :D :D :D
