From Georgia to Alaska... And Back... In An Explorer | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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From Georgia to Alaska... And Back... In An Explorer

Awesome trip! If you left June 18th when did you get back home? More pics of Canada and Alaska please. The Alaske highway looks like a great drive as long as it doesn't beat you to death.

I arrived back in Georgia on August 4th, so I was gone right at a month and a half. I'll try to get some more pictures posted, maybe sometime tonight. Glad you're enjoying looking at them! And trust me, I'm shocked that parts of that highway didn't beat the Explorer to death. It got rough in some places!

Totally Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Pictures, and yea im jealous tooo ive always wanted to go to alaska just cant convince my wife that it would be worth the drive.
As far as the miles on your vehicle im not surprised that you made it with some tlc these vehicles will hit 300000 easily

looking forward to seeing more pictures

You should certainly continuously work on convincing her, because it was a great trip! And honestly the drive really wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Everyone thought I was crazy for driving there from Georgia, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat! And my plan is to easily get 300,000 out of mine before I have to do any major repairs. Only 52,000 more to go! Haha and it still drives and shifts like it did when I bought it!

What a great set of pics!!! Next time anyone drags themselves up the ol highway, give me a shout and we'll hang!! Lol. And I dare someone to do it in January! That's a whole 'nother adventure right there!


You know, I didn't think of looking anyone up on the forum before I headed up there. That would have been a great idea! I'll definitely be back though. Perhaps not as soon as I'd like, but at some point, I'm coming back. I actually spent a couple of days in Fairbanks.... neat little town!

And I know I can't even begin to imagine what the winters are like up there, but I'd love to drive the highway in the winter. I'd be extremely prepared of course, and take my time, but I'd love to. Like you said, I think it'd be a great adventure!

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Awesome trip. It's unfortunate that most of us have tied ourselves to our jobs or other commitments that prevent us from taking a trip like this until we are retired. I'm 34 and I'd love to have gone on that trip, but I can't take a month off work (financially and due to my job). It's great that you were able to do it. The rest of us will just have to live vicariously through you.

Awesome trip. It's unfortunate that most of us have tied ourselves to our jobs or other commitments that prevent us from taking a trip like this until we are retired. I'm 34 and I'd love to have gone on that trip, but I can't take a month off work (financially and due to my job). It's great that you were able to do it. The rest of us will just have to live vicariously through you.

I couldn't have said it better myself. I've chosen not to take a job that tied me down, and luckily I don't have a wife or kids, so I'm pretty free to do what I want. Everyone always says that they wish they'd done more stuff like this when they were young, but for whatever reason they didn't. I didn't want to have to wait till retirement!

Hope I'm not overdoing it on the pictures... as long as everyone's enjoying seeing them I'll post some more. And sorry it's been a couple of days... I started working again lol





















nice x and pictures

Love the pictures !!! Keep posting them.

BTW either you have some nice zoom or you have no fear of wild animals. :)

That damn stick in the water really hurts the third picture from the top. I guess you could not reach it to throw it away hunh ?

Other than that simply breathtaking photos !!! Awesome work.

nice x and pictures

Thanks man!

Love the pictures !!! Keep posting them.

BTW either you have some nice zoom or you have no fear of wild animals. :)

That damn stick in the water really hurts the third picture from the top. I guess you could not reach it to throw it away hunh ?

Other than that simply breathtaking photos !!! Awesome work.

Haha, I figured someone would think I was crazy when they saw the animal shots! I actually have a pretty decent zoom lens... all of the ones shown have been taken with a 200mm lens on my DSLR, and midway through the trip, I even bought a 300mm lens. On top of that, I was in the bus in Denali National Park (no private vehicles are allowed deep in the park) when I took the shots of the grizzly cubs.

And yeah, I couldn't quite reach that stick... well, I guess I could have, but I would have been quite wet afterwards!

Thanks for the comments!
