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Front axle I.D.


Well-Known Member
October 30, 2003
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Lake Orion, Mi
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 4dr XLT 4x4.
I have a problem. The rear axle on my truck spun the pinion bearing so I had to replace it. Now I talked to quit a few recycling yards and they all told me that all '91 to '94 Explorers came with 3.55 gears. That is a LIE!!! So now I have a different gear ratio front to rear. Now after saying this here is my problem. Someone in their infinite wisdom ripped the tag off of my front differential... is there another way (outside of tearing the 3rd member off and counting teeth) to tell the front gear ratio. Also has anyone replaced the pinion bearing, pinion and ring gear, and how difficult is it?

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Or you could always turn a wheel and count driveshaft rotations.

But yes, the codes are much better.

Hey splashman thanks it turns out I have/had a D4 3.73 limited slip. One reason I brought this to the site is my Chiltons manual didn't list the codes. Now I like the ratio and fact that its a limited slip. So how hard is it to replace a ring gear and pinion in the rear axle? It doesn't seem that hard on the outside but I know looks can be deceiving. I still have the original axle and would like to try to rebuild it if I could. But dont want to get caught up in specialty tool this and dealer item only that.

You don't have a limited slip anymore if the rear got swapped out. The front is open.

And no offense, but if you have to ask if it's possible for you to do the gear swap yourself, you can't.

Installing the ring gear and pinion, is easy... setting it is not. I have read a lot of writups on it because I am getting ready to do it on my B2, but I am having someone who has done it before help me. Maybe someone who has done it before will chime in, but it is not something I would try with out a lot of research or someone who has done it as a guide.

Hey Alec...thanks!! REAL NICE!! I guess maybe its more of how many speciality tools I'll need to do it not the skill. I've done alot of things that are really simple if you have all the right tools. I just needed some heads up on that or if there were any tricks, not some smug attitude.
Splashman, yeah thats what I thought. It's just a matter of unbolting and rebolting. The only other problem I can for-see is the pinion bearing(the reason the axle came out). But it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Shimming is where the money and specialty tools I thought might come in. Or is it more of double jointed fingers and luck? LOL :D

Originally posted by MustangShane
Shimming is where the money and specialty tools I thought might come in. Or is it more of double jointed fingers and luck? LOL :D

Like I said, I have never done it myself, but I think it is a combination of both of those. ;) Everyone I have talked to that has done it says it is not as hard as it is made out to be, but it takes time and patience. I guess I'll know come spring, cause thats when I'm doing mine. Good luck.

Originally posted by MustangShane
Hey Alec...thanks!! REAL NICE!! I just needed some heads up on that or if there were any tricks, not some smug attitude.

Dude take a chill pill, and re-read Alec's post... He didnt have a "smug attitude". Its a simple fact that someone who has never done re-gearing before needs expert help/advice. But its up to you if you want to fubar your truck... :rolleyes:

hey Premier for him to just say that because I'm asking a few questions means I can't do it is a smug attitude. Its the whole reason I'm asking I dont want to fubar my truck. But I also know that asking questions is how you learn to do things. You shouldn't dismiss people for the questions they ask. If I came off reacting stronger than I meant to I'm sorry. But the fact is it wasn't an appropriate response to my questions. It doesn't help anyone to act that way.
Splashman... I talked to a old friend of mine that has done this before and he said it alot of patience and plastiguage. I think he might even help me so great!! But thanks for the back and forth on this. ;)

I'm sorry if I came off as harsh. I'm all for the do-it-yourselfer for most projects, but I've seen more than a few diffs grenade after a DIY.

Besides a full auto tranny rebuild, a gear install is about the only project I'll 100% leave to the professionals at the present time.

Usually if someone asks if they can DIY, that means they have no experience with it. A gear install is definately something you should have experience and all the right tools to perform.

Thanks Alec for the explanation. I do agree with you on the tranny... although I have talked to a few mechanics that have been through training on rebuilding, and even they say there's a certain "touch" to doing them. But the rear axle seems to be almost mystical to some and I really dont see what the big deal is. Now hopefully that friend of mine can offer me some help. (Just for a frist timer kind of thing). But maybe look at it this way a motor is (component wise) more complex than the axle, and lots of people can rebuild those. But thanks again Alec.:cool:
