Front differential (Dana 35 IFS) cover options | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front differential (Dana 35 IFS) cover options


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September 17, 2015
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1998 Ford Ranger XLT 4x4
Hey all, I'm in the middle of a substantial "restoration" of a 1998 Ford Ranger that I picked up. I'm having fun with it, can't wait to get it back on the road.

Despite all of the years that these vehicles were manufactured, it seems there are still questions left unanswered..

I know the 95+ Explorers and the 98+ Rangers both have the Dana 35 IFS front differential. Looks like this..


Parts are so cheap for these cars that while I drain and replace the gear lube in the diffs, I figured I'd replace the diff covers with something more attractive. Already did the rear.

Having major problems matching the front diff cover. There's a large aftermarket for diff covers but seems to be a gaping hole for the Dana 35 IFS. Can't find one anywhere..

Here's the cover off of my diff -


I went through the trouble to take this thing off, I'd really hate to have to reuse it. :eek:

The closest I can match it to is a D30, but those look more rounded than the octagonal shape of the D35 IFS.


I've scoured three different forums trying to come up with an answer. Does anyone know what will work here?


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Isn't the clearance in front of the diff cover pretty tight? Like too tight to be able to remove the cover with the diff still on the truck.

I'm SAS'd or I'd look.

Probably can't see it when it's all bolted up. Maybe just clean it up really nice and shoot it with some paint of some sort.

Isn't the clearance in front of the diff cover pretty tight? Like too tight to be able to remove the cover with the diff still on the truck.

I'm SAS'd or I'd look.

Probably can't see it when it's all bolted up. Maybe just clean it up really nice and shoot it with some paint of some sort.

Yes, the clearance is tight, but I managed to wiggle it out by removing the three bolts holding the diff in and lowering it down (with front axles still connected). There is enough room to angle it up and slide the cover off.

The picture I posted is a shot of my cover, that's what I'm trying to match with. Obviously this is impossible to do just visually though, without something in my hand to compare with. :(

Cleaning it up and putting a coat of paint on it is a final option. But my time is more valuable than the $30 it would cost for a new one all pretty and ready to go lol

Here's about the only shot I have of mine with the IFS looking toward the front diff:


See the diff cover? It's in there...... I think.

I understand wanting to make it match the rear, but in this case, I wouldn't burn too many calories since you can't see it unless you're being run over by the truck.

I understand wanting to make it match the rear, but in this case, I wouldn't burn too many calories since you can't see it unless you're being run over by the truck.

This is true. I regret taking the diff cover off at all now, if I can't find a cover to replace it with. It was an easy way to drain the lube but a little excessive.

Thanks for the picture :thumbsup: :D
