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Fuel filter


Well-Known Member
February 21, 2002
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City, State
Kansas City, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 EB
Ok. So I went and bought new spark plugs and fuel filter. When looking at the pictures in the *stickied* thread up above, it shows that the fuel filter has 1 inlet. However, the fuel filter that I purchased has 2 inlets. Could it be that I have an 03 Explorer and the X in the stickied thread is an 04?

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Ok. So I went and bought new spark plugs and fuel filter. When looking at the pictures in the *stickied* thread up above, it shows that the fuel filter has 1 inlet. However, the fuel filter that I purchased has 2 inlets. Could it be that I have an 03 Explorer and the X in the stickied thread is an 04?
My 03 4.0 also has 2 inlets....

EDIT: I misread your post...you should have 2 inlets, so the sticky is a different year.

2003 could have had either style. '04 and later just had one inlet and one outlet.

I double-checked this when I went to get a replacement filter for mine, as I had read somewhere that all the FFVs had the style with 3 fittings. We looked up from '02 on, and starting in '04, they were all the same. The catalog was right...Mine only had one inlet and one outlet.

Very interesting. So, Cornburner, since yours has a single in/out, is it the same style connector on both sides (requires the fuel line tool)? Just curious....

Very interesting. So, Cornburner, since yours has a single in/out, is it the same style connector on both sides (requires the fuel line tool)? Just curious....

I only wish. The side going to the engine has the familiar quick-disconnect that requires a disconnect tool. The other side has this chintzy plastic #@%!! clip that fights you every step of the way. Once I figured it out, it wasn't too bad, but it's tricky if you have never done one before.
