Fun in the snow - with some reprocutions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fun in the snow - with some reprocutions

Well I like to have fun in the snow. Don't we all?

When I go to class they have the parking lots plowed with mounds between the rows (like you park then mound than a car facing you). So I park on them sometimes for a little flex. This morning I had a lab and got there early and this lot is always pretty empty. So I decided to just run through them. Was actually fun, however due to the warmer weather we have had they are pretty solid. So I hit this first one a little too hard and the front end came up quite a bit for the speed I was going. Then BANG! I came down hard as hell. Once i parked I took a quick look and everything looked fine. On my way back to the office I noticed a bit more sway and bounce. Yep you guessed it I busted a shock off at its mount.

Not a big whoops but still a whoops.:p

Sorry Shaun!:banghead: (i'll have it fixed soon)

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that sucks.... good thing it was onlya shock though... would have sucked more if you snapped a torsion bar

Yup. But it can be fixed easily with a weld. T-bar would have sucked!

Even with the breaking shock it was fun!:D

of course, doing it is fun, but the aftermath sucks... will i ever try to shove my truck up a tabletop barely wide enough for it? hell no, i dont mind rolling, it doesnt scare me, but i do mind all the $ and time it is going to cost me once i get the truck rubber side down......

*******!!! Thanks....make sure everything is all banged up and bent before you sell it to me...real considerate....what kind of discount do I get now?? 5%??


Taxxman, well, you broke the frontend, time to get going on the D44, took a 2nd blown wheel bearing to get my ass in gear:D

Originally posted by SSIKORA
*******!!! Thanks....make sure everything is all banged up and bent before you sell it to me...real considerate....what kind of discount do I get now?? 5%??


no the lift is still in 100% top notch condition. I just went out and looked at it all. Its just that damn extender ford makes up run on our shocks. All these times on the tral and it never broke son't know why it gave now. I will get it fixed.:D Good as new.

Originally posted by Muskrat
Taxxman, well, you broke the frontend, time to get going on the D44, took a 2nd blown wheel bearing to get my ass in gear:D

Yup can't wait. Hopefully will be tearing apart the 44 next weekend.

let the fever spread:D
