Wanted - Garage door spacers; bed cover. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Garage door spacers; bed cover.

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New Member
May 25, 2008
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City, State
Guthrie, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
'08 Sport Trac Adrenalin
Hi everyone. Where can I get some of the little spacers that are used in the garage door opener overhead compartment. These are the ones that look like legos. Also would be interested in oem bed cover if you've got one for sale. Thanks.

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Hi everyone. Where can I get some of the little spacers that are used in the garage door opener overhead compartment. These are the ones that look like legos. Also would be interested in oem bed cover if you've got one for sale. Thanks.

You might be able to pick some up some of those lego looking pieces at the Ford dealership, if they don't sell them to you for cheap just go sit it different cars like your interested and take one from each car until you have enough, haha...or try to find some old legos and use them :D

And the oem bed cover is gonna be tough to find, people that have them usually don't want to get rid of them, I would keep an eye out on craigslist to find a good deal

The same lego spacers have been used forever, the same ones can be found at the junkyard in Gen 1's, 2's, and 3's also.

Hi everyone. Where can I get some of the little spacers that are used in the garage door opener overhead compartment. These are the ones that look like legos. Also would be interested in oem bed cover if you've got one for sale. Thanks.

If you still have not found a solution to the missing spacers, a machine screw will work. Find the suitable sized machine screw to fit into the uprights in the cover and then thread it in. You will have to experiment with what size and length screw to use so it presses on your garage door opener.

Hi everyone. Where can I get some of the little spacers that are used in the garage door opener overhead compartment. These are the ones that look like legos. Also would be interested in oem bed cover if you've got one for sale. Thanks.

Contact Chris Baker 954/682/0924 He has OEM 2007 HARD TOP.
