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Gas Tank



So I know I'm posting in the wrong area!

My fuel pump must be messed up...

It has only said full on my message center 2 times...Then 3 miles down the road it jumps down to 19.

I know it has a 21 galleon tank. I can go 221 miles before my check light comes on. Anyone got any ideas? And it seams like every time I gas up gas is 2.76 a galleon I get 50$ in my tank and 19 ish galleons and its full...

I'm kinda confused...

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Not all gas stations are on a flat surface. In fact probably most of them are slopped slightly. So if the filler tube is on the low side of the incline, you'll be putting less gas in the vehicle before it stops the filler. At the same time, there is a pocket of air left in the tank which is occupying the rest of the volume until the vehicle is back on level ground

Not all gas stations are on a flat surface. In fact probably most of them are slopped slightly. So if the filler tube is on the low side of the incline, you'll be putting less gas in the vehicle before it stops the filler. At the same time, there is a pocket of air left in the tank which is occupying the rest of the volume until the vehicle is back on level ground

Iv filled up at lot of gas stations. And I can only get the 19 gallons in my tank and my message center never says full. Its always at 19. But I still get 210-240 miles to the tank so it makes it feel like I have all 21 gallons are there.

If its air how do I get it out?!

My '97 Mountaineer 5.0 always takes 19 gal. They set the warning to come on before the tank is completely empty so you will make it to a station before you run out.

My '97 Mountaineer 5.0 always takes 19 gal. They set the warning to come on before the tank is completely empty so you will make it to a station before you run out.

Yeah, I know mine has a 21 gallon tank. And I know that I will only get 230 miles to a tank. I'm so confused :(

It must have air in it, its pressurized. Thats why when you pull up to a gas station, and remove the cap quickly, you'll hear a hissing sound.

But may I ask why you are worried about the 2 gallons?

wow you guys get bad milegae... by my math....210-240 miles per 19 gallon tank is 11.05-12.63 mpg!

i just filled up my 96 and got 307 out of 1 tank

I have pumped over 21 gallons into my 93/99 truck more than once. The 4dr. tanks are 22 gallons, but don't try to run it all out. Try to leave at least 2-3 gallons in it for sure. Night,

wow you guys get bad milegae... by my math....210-240 miles per 19 gallon tank is 11.05-12.63 mpg!

i just filled up my 96 and got 307 out of 1 tank

I wish I was getting 307!!!

Iv never hurd of an explorer getting that haha.

I have 7 or 8 friends who drive explorers and all of them get the same miles to the tank I do...There all second gens. Two drive limiteds and there will say full tank on the message center tell they go 30 or 60 miles. Then they drop to 20 gallons tell empty.

:( Help

CDW6212R; said:
I have pumped over 21 gallons into my 93/99 truck more than once. The 4dr. tanks are 22 gallons, but don't try to run it all out. Try to leave at least 2-3 gallons in it for sure. Night,

I have never pumped over 19 gallons into my truck, then it over fills...I drive tell I hit 220 ish miles and my check gage light comes on...

Like I stated above, they put in a safety factor so you will not run completely out of fuel.

Quit worring about the other 2 gal already.

Like I stated above, they put in a safety factor so you will not run completely out of fuel.

Quit worring about the other 2 gal already.

Yeah, its just bothering my that my truck wont say Full Tank. When my other friends will...Really bothering me...

Danny, my 91 Lincoln Mark VII LSC SE does basically the same thing, except those have an audible warning. I suspect that the message center or the fuel sending unit to be the cause.

Try changing the message center first, it is much easier to do. Good luck,
