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Getting a new Headunit


Well-Known Member
March 3, 2009
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City, State
Oklahoma City, OKlahoma
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Explorer Sport
Not new to this stuff in the least bit... though strapped for cash, I'm needing to replace my stereo, display on the aftermarket one I had went out. I wanted something with separate hi-mid-low controls, along with sub control (like my currently broke stereo). Didn't want to break the bank, which is only 90 bucks to spend right now. I have considered upgrading door speakers and adding amps for them in future. Wanted pre-amp outputs for everything. So here's what I've come up with.

Now don't hate just because its Sony, Yes there not the best quality, but its an upgrade from the outdated model I have and not too bad on the eyes either.

List of features...
Receiver Size Single DIN
Faceplate Security Detachable
Motorized Faceplate No
Remote Control Yes
Peak Power Output 52 watts x 4 channels
RMS Power Output 17 watts x 4 channels
Preamp RCA Outputs 3 Pairs (Front, Rear, and Subwoofer)
Sub Preamp RCA Output Yes
Preamp Voltage 2 volts
Built-In Equalizer EQ3 Stage 2
Display Type 13 Segment LED display
Display Color White
Button Color Blue
CD Signal-to-Noise 120 dB
CEA-2006 Compliant Yes

So what's everyone think, and don't be afraid to be honest, and hey I'm up for suggestions as long as they meet my guidelines, will be ordering in the next few days

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Nope lol sorrty never had any f***ing luck with JVC or Jensen, besides doesn;t have all the outputs I want

I am running alpine cda 9886 in my explorer and ranger... not a bad headunit with 3 rca outs which are 4v. But it was more on the expensive side.

And if you have a newer ipod you need an adapter that steps the voltage down to 5v so it can charge it... otherwise it just runs off battery.

Well went to walmart to see what they had, didn't like the displays, looked down and what do you know, stereos in a box not on display so I got a Pioneer DEH-12E for 85. it's amazing it goes all way up to 60sumtin, but I've got it tuned at 45 on the volume, I love it, will have to get pictures of it up soon
