Gray Leather interior, interior parts, switches and more | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gray Leather interior, interior parts, switches and more

Posting up some extra parts from going through my latest explorer:

Here is my Gray leather interior stuff, will fit 1995-2001....possibly older models too:

Gray leather drivers door panel, came from a four door...comes with power mirror switch still in it. Has a rub spot in the arm rest, and I got the stain out. Good condition though!

Gray leather Passengers seat:
I wouldn't say mint, but in very good condition, power motors work great...I just swapped in a whole Eddie Bauer interior so this one wouldn't match.


Gray leather rear seat:
Needs some cleaning up, someone left tools or something on them, and there are some small holes.




Drivers Door switches/door lock:
Still inside the gray door handle piece, works.
$15 shipped for it all.

Passenger door light, clips are good and has nut:
$10 shipped.

Drivers door red lens, for models with no door light:
$5 shipped.

Passenger window switch:
$5 shipped.

Instrument/interior light dimmer:
I have two. I believe they are only for two doors. They have 6 inline prongs on the wiring side.
$10 each shipped, $15 for both

Various wiring pigtails: No burn, or hot spots in plastic.
free you pay shipping


I need this stuff GONE! Feel free to make me an offer on anything, the more you get the cheaper! If you are local I will give you a great deal to come pick it all up, I just need it out of my way. Located in freeport, new york. Pm or email me: Emails go to my phone so I will reply immediately

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Will that passenger window. Switch work in my 01 sport trac? Id take the drivers switches too, but I know they wont fit.

Hmm I don't know to tell you the truth. Let me know if you find out...I'm yet to work on a sport trac.

If the switches are angled, it wont.

You don't have the center console, do you?
