Hello from Spain...!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hello from Spain...!!!


January 25, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Santiago - La Coruna - Spain
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
Hello friends,

I need some driving instructions to properly control my Ford Explorer when driving on slippery roads.

I would like to know if it is safer to change from 2WD to AUTO 4WD when it rains and the roads are slippery (I mean driving on the curvy roads when it rains).

Running on AUTO 4WD, is it more secure? Is it advantageous for stability?

Thank you very much for replying to my question.

Best regards from Spain…!!!!

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Originally posted by emon
try slowing down and leave it at auto.

Hi....US friends....!!!

Thank you very much for your kind and quick reply.
Do you mean, change from 2WD to AUTO 4WD when it rains and the roads are slippery and then back to 2WD on dry asphalt? Shall I get a better performance and stability?

Having 4X4 on will not shorten stopping distances in the rain...It adds more traction that is powered, but it doesn't make your tires grip the road better at all...I vote 2wd unless in mud or snow....

Welcome to the site! :D

Originally posted by Crankcase
Having 4X4 on will not shorten stopping distances in the rain...It adds more traction that is powered, but it does make your tires grip the road better at all...I vote 2wd unless in mud or snow....

Welcome to the site! :D

Thank you for your kind explanation. I will proceed accordingly.

All the best to Canada from Spain..!!!!

Originally posted by Fly
Thank you for your kind explanation. I will proceed accordingly.

All the best to Canada from Spain..!!!!

Thanks....foreign countries are rare on here...:D
