Hello, thanks for having me. I just inherited my moms old explorer and its well taken care. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hello, thanks for having me. I just inherited my moms old explorer and its well taken care.

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May 15, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Lake Wales
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer XLT
As the Title says I inherited my moms old explorer that we used to take road trips in when I was a kid. I am in the process of restoring it. Although that might be an overstatement as she runs just fine and everything on it is still original. But time has gotten a lot of the electrical components. the most recent thing that happened to me with her was my speedometer going out. As I was driving it, I started to smell a strong Electronic burning smell in the cab and noticed white smoke coming from my instrument panel. Like anyone I pulled over, fearing the worst that she was gonna burst into flames or something. Had her towed to a shop and they found a few fuses that blew and they were replaced. However my Speedometer hasn't come back so I have to use an app on my phone. Any wise Explorer users wanna impart some wisdom to me as to what happened that day? Is there a serious Electrical issue going on? was it my speedometer giving up the ghost that caused that malfunction, burning and blowing of my fuses? I also noticed a few other of my gauges arn't working properly either. like my oil pressure gauge and coolant temp gauge.

welcome to EF! posted a response in your other thread ;)

As the Title says I inherited my moms old explorer that we used to take road trips in when I was a kid. I am in the process of restoring it. Although that might be an overstatement as she runs just fine and everything on it is still original. But time has gotten a lot of the electrical components. the most recent thing that happened to me with her was my speedometer going out. As I was driving it, I started to smell a strong Electronic burning smell in the cab and noticed white smoke coming from my instrument panel. Like anyone I pulled over, fearing the worst that she was gonna burst into flames or something. Had her towed to a shop and they found a few fuses that blew and they were replaced. However my Speedometer hasn't come back so I have to use an app on my phone. Any wise Explorer users wanna impart some wisdom to me as to what happened that day? Is there a serious Electrical issue going on? was it my speedometer giving up the ghost that caused that malfunction, burning and blowing of my fuses? I also noticed a few other of my gauges arn't working properly either. like my oil pressure gauge and coolant temp gauge.
That's a nice looking Ex!

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