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Help!! Easy PS2 Question


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2002
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99 XLT 4 Door 4X4
Allright, so if I put a PS2 into my car connected to a LCD, and were to use the PS2 to play DVDs, how worried woudl I have to be about it skipping while i am driving???
I have never owned a PS2 so I dont know if they have any skip resistance. I could buy a in car DVD player and a PS2, but the PS2 plays DVDs so why not kill 2 birds with one stone??
If anyone knows about its skip resistance or just has an opinion on it or any thoughts to share, please do so

Thanks in advance

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I think they are pretty skip resistant. For just everyday driving and traveling it will be fine, just as long as it's on pavement and not offroad it will be in good shape.

Good Luck

This is just a thought...

This is just a thought. But he PS2 was designed for the home, not really a “on the go” type system. My son has bumped my PS2 while playing and it would freeze, and other times it would be OK. Bottom line, while your driving not so good, sitting still you should be fine.

I've got a bud who uses a PS2 in his explorer and it works fine for playing movies, watched several while on trips, bumps didnt even affect it, never tried playing games though. you should be fine putting it and using it while driving under regular conditions


Thanks guys. Anyone else is welcome to share opinions

Does anyone think it could be mounted in the center console so that the cd tray popped up after i opened the center console lid???


im not sure, does the ps2 have the brackets on the tray to hold a cd if its vertical? im guessing not....but if it did and you could get by that situation......depending on how good you are at mods, soldering electronics, etc...and if you're willing to risk damaging *could* wire up a contact switch to the console that when its opened, it is wired to the ps2 eject button...but that may be a bit advanced..........also, im not sure if the console is a good location, might skip in there...the friend i had put it under back seat, so it had a little cushioning from the carpet, inside a hard console would probably be a good bit different...


Yeah its got little tabs that hold the cd if the PS2 is vertical, remember that Playstation sells an over priced plastic stand for it to be up right.
I didnt have that much work in mind putting it in the center console. I had just pictured opening it and pressing a button for the cd to pop up, no reason to wire that stuff up like that.

Thanks for the input tho


Well as for me, who has a PS2 in there I have been 4 wheeling watching a movie, and it hasnt skipped. To tell you the truth, it has never skipped, and I have had it in my explorer for over 10 months now.

WannaXP8 -- Where is your PS2 mounted that its done so well?

its mounted under the rear seat on the passanger side.

Originally posted by WannaXP8
its mounted under the rear seat on the passanger side.

Can you still fold your rear seat down????


ya you can, but its a tight dont want to put to much weight on it...
