Help needed with an AWD 2000 Ford Explorer. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help needed with an AWD 2000 Ford Explorer.


New Member
June 24, 2010
Reaction score
Need some help, left a 2000 deposit on a 2000 ford explorer. Nice vechile, but concerned that it is not what it seems. On the dash the guy tells me that the cigarette lighter is missing.. This vechile is an AWD and yet there is no button to switch from 2 wheel to AWD. should there be a button or is it just AWD all the time and I am worried about nothing. This is a 2000 ford explorer XLT Please help

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if its a V8 AWD there is no switch, its all mechanical and runs all the time.

if its a V6 and has no switch then its a 2wd. if its a V6 with a switch its a 4x4.

thanks for the help, not sure if the guy is scamming me because it stated on OD that it has 121,000 but car fax reports that it has 225,000 not sure i trust car faX EITHER

I would trust carfax wayyyyyy before any stealership of any kind.
I would point out the carfax to the dealer and ask them to explain the discrepancy.

I could understand if the mileage was 125 vs. 225 that it could be a typo. But 121 and 225 aren't really typo-able (if that's even a word!)

Is this a Ford dealer, or a small independent? I would trust your gut more than a Carfax or a dealer salesman. You'll always question the truck, I would find another one... Just my .02
