help!!! tranny leak dont know were | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help!!! tranny leak dont know were


February 23, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
pennsauken nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 ford explorer eb
i got tranny fluid leaking off my i guess it the shift linkage maybe it on the driver side it looks like some type of shift linkage but i always have tranny fluid on it when im parked

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i got tranny fluid leaking off my i guess it the shift linkage maybe it on the driver side it looks like some type of shift linkage but i always have tranny fluid on it when im parked

Their's a little seal that goes between the shift shaft and case, that would be my guess if your linkage is wet.

how do i go about changing that by takin the trans pan out would i be able to check it that way

You have to pull off the pan, the pin in the case, Z link, and the lock nut on the back of the shaft. The seal could be removed with a screwdriver, and carefully reinstalled with a socket, and a hammer.

How does the pin come out?
