Here to introduce myself... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Here to introduce myself...


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Fayetteville, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 ranger, 01 f-350
Hey guys I'm new here, but have been searching around here for quite some time getting ideas and advice for similar problems others have had. I'm 17 and have been driving my ranger for a little over a year now(since I was 16). Now for my ride. I have a '93 ranger splash reg cab 4x4 with a 6'' Skyjacker suspension lift and a 3'' body lift. It has 35x12.50x15 tires with Mickey Thompson wheels. 3.73 gears (wish they were 4.56's). And a sound system. Just installed a flowtech glasspack with a side exit.

Looking forward to talking with you guys, Kris.

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welcome kris u got aim or yahoo or both

I used to have aim but that was a few years ago and no longer have it.
