How often does Ford release SYNC software updates? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How often does Ford release SYNC software updates?


Well-Known Member
March 30, 2017
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South Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer XLT
My 17 XLT is the first vehicle I owned with SYNC. How often does Ford release software updates? Just curious. Once a year? Never?

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I have a ‘17 Sport and it is my first Ford. I have seen no updates since I bought mine. I literally just upgraded to 3.0 (car came with 2.0) about 15 min ago lol. Took about 30 minutes from start to finish. Took the chance and downloaded from another forum, put it on a USB stick and went through the step. Very painless but time will tell I guess. My biggest annoyance was lack of NAV traffic updates- which look to be fixed for me! Rest is all pretty much the same from what I can tell beyond a few minor cosmetic changes.

There is no set timetable for updates. Usually they are released to fix an existing software bug or to possible add/change a feature but normally it's for the former.


surprisingly like you mentioned the maps, you would figure with no easy way to update them (no SD card) maybe Ford is going back (like GM) to use the CD to upload / modify new maps.

SYNC 3 updates will generally be about once a year but may vary based on new features or bug fixes. Maps updates are coming soon(NOT included with SYNC 3 updates.) These will be free for 5 years (1 update per year)

Map Updates (Coming Soon)

SYNC 3 updates will generally be about once a year but may vary based on new features or bug fixes. Maps updates are coming soon(NOT included with SYNC 3 updates.) These will be free for 5 years (1 update per year)

Map Updates (Coming Soon)

That's not for USA/Canada mapping. SYNC 3 was first introduced in a production model in spring of 2015 and only one official user update has ever been released and that was for version 1.X units only. There is no schedule for SYNC3 updates. Though in regards to updates I would suspect they will be more frequent as SYNC3 is now in all models. This is just my personal speculation though.

that's fine but not a workable site, so ..... it's bogus :)

That's not for USA/Canada mapping. SYNC 3 was first introduced in a production model in spring of 2015 and only one official user update has ever been released and that was for version 1.X units only. There is no schedule for SYNC3 updates. Though in regards to updates I would suspect they will be more frequent as SYNC3 is now in all models. This is just my personal speculation though.

Thanks, it appears that NNG Software/Naviextras is only handling Europe maps while is handling US maps.

that's fine but not a workable site, so ..... it's bogus :)

Why is it not "workable"? The download links aren't up yet because the software hasn't been released.

My 17 XLT is the first vehicle I owned with SYNC. How often does Ford release software updates? Just curious. Once a year? Never?
I purchased my 2017 Explorer in December and I have installed 2 updates since then.

I purchased my 2017 Explorer in December and I have installed 2 updates since then.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Those are the only 2 updates I've had since I got mine on in October 2016.

