How to diagnose a bad air suspension? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to diagnose a bad air suspension?

Cobra Jack

May 14, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Tinley Park, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Explr 03 Cobra 07 335
Last week I purchased a '99 Explorer Eddie Bauer 5.0 V8 with 72K miles.

Well the thing bounces quite a bit after any bump in the road (classic bad shocks)

Well I've con to find out it's equiped with the air suspension.

Now I need to figure out what's wrong with it (shocks, compressor, relay, fuse etc)

I've flipped the switch in the cargo area for the air supension with the ingnition on and off, and with the car on and off, and I don't hear any air realse nor do I hear any compressor.

There are also no dash warning light on in the gauge cluster.

What should I be doing to help diagnose the problem?

Please help, as this thing is nearly undrivable.

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Cobra Jack said:
Now I need to figure out what's wrong with it (shocks, compressor, relay, fuse etc)

my brother's 97 X has an air-ride and there is a compressor that you should hear in the beginning, and especially after youve turned off ur engine cauz its the only thing that buzzes...

but to tell u the truth, i think you just answered your own question there.. check the fuses.relays, check the compressor, get VOM and check the power going into each component... and so on.

only thing i would suggest, if you dont already have one, is to get a repair manual.


I have recently bought the four corner ARC system from a 98 model. I'm not an expert, but you might check the relay in the aux relay box, under the air cleaner. I bet your two corner ARC system has the same basic wiring.

Check your owners manual to find exactly which relay it is. There should be two fuses in the main power distribution box. Those shocks are about $90 discounted at Ford. If they are original, it wouldn't be a bad idea to buy new ones.

Would you keep an eye out for another ARC vehicle like yours for parts? I need a 99-01 ARC module. I'd like to install just the rear leveling system into my 93/99. Good luck,

now my question is does the air compressor always start up with the ignition on? while flipping the on/off switch?

I need to know when it's activated to test it

It should only run when the heights are not where the sensors want them to be. It is much more sensitive at startup.

Air suspension

I could only hear my compressor when the car was loaded with people, dogs or groceries, after getting out of the car. Then the car rised after heavy load.
Other than that i never heard it.

Well havent heard it in a while, and now my air suspension warning lamp is on.

My 4X4 and 4X4 Low and overdrive warning lamp is also on and off. Overdrive lamp flash. 4X4 lamps flash simultaniously after a while of driving. While the air suspension warning lamp is on all the time.

My AC and heater doesnt work either...only in full speed (heater, not AC)
My door doesnt lock on passengers side either....

Any ideas ?

Those are probably unrelated issues.

The air ride warning light usually comes on when the compressor has run long enough that it should reach the proper height, but doesn't. I would suspect an air leak, or rarely a power issue(wiring connection etc). Find a rubber safe lubricant like PB Blaster which is a penetrant, and spray the air line fittings, and shock bladders. The air in the shocks is in a rubber bladder that you can see partially, those can wear through from friction of debris getting in the shock there.

The air line connections are the most common leak places, because the plastic lines over time get thinner right where the locking collar holds them in. It's not hard to fix those usually, by removing them from the connection, and cutting the line about 3/4" shorter, and pushing it back in. Start with that, hopefully it is one of those reasons. Regards,

Where are the air sensors located on ford explorer EB 1999?

I just replaced the original rear shocks on my EB (120k now) and still have the check suspensioin light illuminated when I load the car. I hear the compressor only once in a while. I no longer hear it when I turn the truck off like when I first bought it. I think it could be a defective air pressure sensor or wiring issue because fuses are good and compressor runs sometimes. Does anyone know where the air sensors that trigger the compressor are? Thank you so much!
