Hyden fan controller fubar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hyden fan controller fubar


Explorer Addict
January 21, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Dallas, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLS
I have been running a Hayden fan controller 3647 with the adjustable thermostat with my taurus electric fan setup for two months now in the peak of the summer heat. Now all of a sudden it only works intermediately.

I verified that the controller relay works. I tested the relay socket on the controller with a voltmeter and verified that no signal is being sent to the relay to turn the fans on when they should be on.

My wiring is correct and the efan has its own relay so it is impossible for the fan to draw too much current past the controller's rating.

I am wanting to know if anyone else has had poor luck with hayden fan controllers or if they recommend any better controller.

Right now I just have the relay on my e-fan plugged into the ignition wire so that the fan just stays on all the time when the key is in the ignition.

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Way to many Vanilla Iced Coffees from IHOP this morning, so I deleted my ramblings:confused:

Only person I know that has run several products on his Ex including efan stuff is Aldive. Here is his thread about the controller- http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161482&highlight=vsc

And here's his thread about all the mods he's done in his quest for 30+mpgs:D

I'm sure you have read these before, but I've noticed you are into improving gas mileage and Aldive came to mind;)

Oh no, I appreciate your feedback.

Geeze, Aldive went through three fan control units. A 2 Flex-A-Lite controllers and a Delta controller.

I really don't know what to do about this. I'll have to do some research to figure out just what was the last controller Aldive finally used in the end.

I took back my controller to Pepboys and they exchanged it. Hopefully this one will last longer than 3 weeks.


If that doesn't work out, I'll send you a link of what I have. It's cheap and does the job, just a pain in the summer.

Keep us informed. Im running a hayden controller too. I put it in a few months ago and so far so good.


I've had some pretty good luck with Derale in my F-150 & Mountaineer.

UPDATE: Hayden fan controller failed again

If you recall I exchanged and replaced my malfunctioning Hayden fan controller for the same one.

I am sorry to report that the newer fan controller is also exhibiting the same symptoms as the last one that broke. This one only lasted about 2 months. When the fan does not turn on, I have to wiggle the relay in the Hayden controller and most of the time this jiggle will temporally fix it.

I now recommend that no one use a Hayden fan controller.

I now plan on ordering and using a Delta electric 2 speed fan controller that is made precisely for the Ford Taurus two speed fan. I have heard nothing but good things about Delta fan controllers.


I am open to suggestions of anyone can recommend another quality fan controller.

The hayden is still working in the van But since its not a dd its not running near as much as your is.

The dakota digitalpac-2000 we put on my friends f-150 is also still working after more than 2 years. His f-150 is a dd so it has lots of drive time on it.

But the dc control a dakota digital are almost the same price and the dc is a soft start. If you feel comfortable with dc control the companyit may be worth while.

