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i need an opinion


Shine on Benevolent Sun
March 12, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4dr
ok, i need to get your guys opinions on what should get first.

2)intake and exhaust
3)new amp

im stuck between these 3 things so plz tell me what you think i should get.

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I'd go with the intake/ exhaust. The amp can always wait and unless you have picked the exact rims you want, choosing a set will take long enough that you will have saved up enough to aford them.

i sorta wanted this too, has anybody ever used the dynomax cat back system? what advice can you give me on it? good or bad? Thanks

If you have the money already I would go with rims. Sets your Ex apart from the rest. One mans opinion.

i say exhaust...dunno bout dynomax tho...sry
exhaust sets X's apart from the rest. i dont see many explorers with duals, i see plenty with rims

I have heard excellent reviews on the Dynomax system. It's a little louder than stock and some have claimed gas mileage increases with it.

can aftermarket exhausts hurt gas mileage? i get 16 around town and i got 16 when i went from NY to NC (all highway).

I would say go with exhaust. I'll bet there are no explorers near you with exhaust. Get a dual setup...

well right now i have about 450 cdn(not much but thats for now) to spend on it.

and actually i havent seen anybody do anthing to an explorer where i live. by the way, anybody know any open trails near kingston, ontario, canada?

really in the exhaust part im looking for sound and performance, what about just a muffler and a tip?


I would go with a custom job from a local shop, I'm partial to flowmasters, that's just my opinion. My brother-in-law put on a dynomax muffler and it sounds weak, of course I didn't tell him that. I would go flowmaster, with a larger pipe from muffler back, and three inch tip, that give you that throaty sound, the only time it will sound like a six will be at high rpm's, 3500 plus. Also go with the intake, ifab.net has a nice one. Your engine is like a lung, more air the better.:D
