I think I have a flexplate problem... opinions? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I think I have a flexplate problem... opinions?


Active Member
January 30, 2009
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Hey guys...

My 95 Explorer started to develop a grinding noise when the starter is engaged. It starts and ran fine otherwise...

So, I dropped the starter and inspected the flexplate teeth... there were a bit worn and perhaps slightly burred, but the vehicle has 210k on it, so I didn't think it looked real bad.

I went ahead and swapped out the starter, as it seemed to have some wear spots. I did notice that there was a "machined" surface on the old casing close to the shaft where the drive gear hits, about 1/8 inch wide.

As I put on the new starter, I noticed that it had no machine mark. I stuck it on and lo and behold, the noise was still there.

So, I pulled the starter back down and see that the new one now has a smaller version of that machined mark.

I re-examined the flexplate through the starter hole... rotating it the whole way... but still don't see anything.

It seems that the flexplate is too far away from the starter in the bellhousing to make those marks... obviously, shims can't fix that... so I'm left thinking that perhaps the welds around the ring gear broke that I haven't located yet, or there is a crack that has developed that is only exposed when the starter gear is engaged. Or the flexplate bolts to the crank have come loose...

All of which means I'm yanking the transmission...

Any other ideas?

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Flexplates break where they mount to engine and will be hard to see.

OK... So, I wanted to come back and give an update for anyone else who may have the same situation.

It was the flexplate... and via some kind of divine intervention, it didn't leave me... or my wife... sit before figuring that out:



So, of course I had to drop the transmission and swap out the plates... of course this stuff always happens in the middle of the winter with bad weather... The new flexplate runs around $50, retail.... and of course I swapped out the old starter, which runs about $125, retail.

The tell tales:

1. Noise only when starting the vehicle. Although this did turn into a chirping after startup as I pulled it into the garage. Amazing that this thing didn't fall apart before getting there(you can see in the picture that the center actually spun and was only being held on by friction of the broken pieces... this obviously isn't good for your front transmission seal, either), but we heard this noise for about a week before parking it

2. The starter was worn at the nose.

So, if you hear the noise and pull out the starter to find that there is a "machined" looking surface on the inside part of the "nose" of the starter, you know you've got a flexplate issue... deal with it ASAP.

I would call you a, relatively, lucky man. Of all the places to strand you home is the best!

of course this stuff always happens in the middle of the winter with bad weather...


I would call you a, relatively, lucky man. Of all the places to strand you home is the best!


There's no "relatively" about it.

My wife works 40 miles away and leaves about 6:15 in the morning when the weather is bad. I replaced the starter, and not thinking that this could be a more serious issue, I told her that it still makes the noise but only makes it when it starts, so she should be good just to take it to work and back...

Well, it was some pretty crappy weather out... and she went out to drive the Explorer. Apparantly, I had the steering wheel turned and locked the ignition... she couldn't get the key to turn. Not being happy about that, she came back in and grabbed the keys to the F150, which she doesn't like driving because it's an Screw and too big for her liking.

We've had this Explorer for 8 years... she's never had a problem with the steering wheel locking before. If she gets the Explorer to start, she probably ends up stranded somewhere on a highway, in the dark, with significant snowfall and crappy road conditions.

Sounds like a fun phone call to get.
