idler pulley part # | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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idler pulley part #


Elite Canuck STOCK SUCKS!
Elite Explorer
January 22, 2007
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City, State
selkirk, manitoba
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 supercharged 347 sport
does anyone have/know the part number for the idler pulley below the belt tensioner for the 5L motors? )in blue)


i cant seem to find it on rock auto (or dont think its the right one) and any ford parts web page i go on doesnt list it

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ok, so when i use that number on RA, it comes back as a GATES Part # 38008 and DAYCO Part # 89015. the first time i read it over i thought it said 6 inch pulley, but it says 6 GROOVED pulley (brain fart on my end). thanks for verifying it for me however.
thanks for the compliment on the motor. still have a few things to sort out on it however. as for the filter, everyone hates on them. i am only using them for break in. the first one was 20 mins old, the second one was on for maybe 100 miles, the third one will be coming off soon as well (maybe 100-200 miles on it) and if my issues are sorted out, will go to a better filter. i promise!

crap. now when i enter that number in (F67Z-6312-AA) it comes back as a blancer....wth....

so to update this, i ended up going to the local parts store with the pulley. the good news, they had one. it is a dayco (and/or gates) 89015. the bad news, is the dayco is plastic and not metal.

I posted the exact link to buy one a week ago lol?

That's the tensioner pulley, no wonder you keep getting the wrong part. Idler is top center below the blower (just got mine in the mail today, been rattling all winter)


That's the tensioner pulley, no wonder you keep getting the wrong part. Idler is top center below the blower (just got mine in the mail today, been rattling all winter)


So OP which one is the actual part you need lol? The idler pulley or the tensioner pulley?

the idler it the one at the very bottom below then tensioner

The link I posted above is the part that is circled in your first picture.

Even shows the diagram.

Well whatever you kids are calling it these days, since it's pretty accessible take it off and head to your local parts supply house (forget big box chain stores) and match it up. They're pretty universal just choose diameter and rib count/smooth

