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I'm pissed!!!!! Long post...

Sounds like a problem I had a couple of years ago. No 4wd. There was a vacume hose off that controled the blend doors and the 4wd. Dealer reattached it so I dont know where it was but it sounds like the same thing. Hope so....

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Bill, I think you hit the nail on the head. I'd say it's a 90% chance there is something wrong with the vaccum disconnect on the front axle.

Thanks Bill and Jason. Lets hope that's the problem. I just made an appointment with the dealer to get it fixed...along with 8 other problems since I only have to pay $100 on the repairs.

i had my tranny replaced after it was slipping while in first gear going into second . it sucked. i now have a new tranny and it works better and more pull back than the old one. that was an expencive fix let me tell ya that. Hope it never does that again.

I wonder if this happens to you guys. If you have problems and since you have a problem and it's under warrenty, you'll bring it to the dealer, right?? Well, once you get there, the problem mysteriously disappeared and everything works like it's supposed to. Have you guys had experiences like this? Well, that's what happened.

This morning, before taking my truck to the dealer, I took my truck to a gravel parking lot to test out if the 4wd system worked. Well, here's what I did. I stopped the truck and put the tranny to neutral, switched to 4Low, put the tranny to reverse then pedaled to the metal. Well, the fronts grabbed on b/c I noticed the rocks jammed into one little pile on each side. But anyway, I took the truck to the shop and let them see if there's a problem with it.

The slipping tranny problem never appeared again. I also had the blend door problem. It happened once last week but never came back. The driver's power lumbar support never worked and this morning, it worked. Gosh, I hope these problems resurface again before the warrenty expired (1000 miles) so I don't have to drop a bunch of cash on these repairs. I gotta rant. Sorry.

Well, my truck is back after 2 weeks because I had a list of problems that the extended warrenty didn't cover. :fire: But anyways, the problem with the 4WD system is the shift motor, it died. I also had a problem with it whistling when the gear is in reverse, Ford said the problem was a seperator plate. And I also have a problem with it whistling while on the highway, it only comes on when I accelerate, they said the problem was the output flange. I have no idea where it is located but they were covered under warrenty so I let them fix that.

I'll be driving home this afternoon so I'll see where the output flange and the seperator plate are. Anyone know where they are??

I got that same warranty on my truck (100 deductable). I tried taking it in and getting some stuff fixed but unless it isnt totally busted its hard to get them to fix. I had this noise coming from the front end practically every time, and they never caught it. :-(

I get that whistling sound too...so I'll be interested to find out where the "output flange" is located.

96, the shift motor doesn't explain why your front wheels don't spin though. on 95+ a clutch causes your front wheels to spin. So are you sure the 4x4 works now?

I don't have the truck right now. It's at home. I'm in Raleigh. I'll find out where the output flange is. For the front wheels draggin', like I said a few posts ago, that morning before bringing my truck in, I tried it out at the parking lot, it worked. I heard the usually clunk when engaging but that day at the beach, I didn't hear any clunks, just little clicks on the dashboard.

glad to hear it was just the shift motor. hey it could be worse... like the transfer case crapped out on ya like it did on my truck. let me tell you how fun those are to take off and install... even with help from a friend.

Uhhh...gee....sorry to here all that but I was wonderin' if you had any pics of girlfriend at the beach! ;)

Woa! This is such an old post. I was board so I did a search on my name and found this thread.

Anyways...no, I don't have pics of my girlfriend at the beach.

I'm still not sure if my 4x4 works because I couldn't find any places that I can make my wheels slip (in Raleigh, you can't find any gravel lots) so I'm still not sure if it works.

The whistle while accelerating is a normal condition. It is happening is because of air rushing through the MAS.

I still have no clue where the output flange is but the tech from Ford had to take the tranny out, drain the old fluid out, replace the flange, then put 10 or 12 quarts of new tranny fluid in. I hope this answers al your questions that I forgot to answer back then.

The seperator plate is inside the transmission.
