Install aftermarket HU-SWC interface? Wiring? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Install aftermarket HU-SWC interface? Wiring?


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June 5, 2014
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2000 Explorer Edldie Baue
I have a 2000 EB with the MACH and am in the process of installing an aftermarket HU (Ouku) and would like to know if I need an interface for the SWC, or can I simply use the lightblue/red stripe and gray wires to connect.
Additionally, there is a jack at the back which resembles an old RCA (it is analog tv) presumably the antenna-what kind of 'antenna' do I need for the tv to work. All the cool media sources; it's Chinese so I'm crossing my fingers

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I just installed a Double Din in my '01 EB. I used this interface:

I don't know if there is another way to do it, but it worked great. Had to tap 1 wire and it pretty much 'self-programmed'. Buttons worked right away.

BTW, might be better to search/post this in the audio forum.

SWC Interface

Thanks for your input-chatted with Crutchfield and went ahead and purchased the interface you referenced-

Man, they owe me big time! Hope it works out for you.

Thanks for your input-chatted with Crutchfield and went ahead and purchased the interface you referenced-

Welcome, and I hope that works well.

BTW, what was wrong with your Mach radio? Was the display issue fixed, as they all had it?

The display thing was becoming a problem-intermittent; I had bought my wife a new JVC deck and wanted a deck of my own with a USB so I could play music off phone. I ended up buying a Chinese deck with lots of options and am working on hooking everything up...taking a while!
I may repair the MACH and sell it.
Thanks, again!!

I'm going to move this to the audio section.

Also, keep us updated on how the Ouku unit treats you. I was thinking about purchasing a cheaper Chinese brand since they have all the features + Nav for a fraction of the price.

I'm going to move this to the audio section.

Also, keep us updated on how the Ouku unit treats you. I was thinking about purchasing a cheaper Chinese brand since they have all the features + Nav for a fraction of the price.

My concern would be the quality over time. They are cheaper because they use poor quality PCBs, solder, caps, and sometimes inferior processors.

My concern would be the quality over time. They are cheaper because they use poor quality PCBs, solder, caps, and sometimes inferior processors.

That was my worry as well. Some people give them great ratings, some people say they're garbage.
Honestly, I think it's based on the batch they make, sometimes they come out good I guess, or people don't know what to expect from a headunit.
