Introduction and a question for vacuum connections | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Introduction and a question for vacuum connections


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April 16, 2012
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2001 Ford Explorer
Hello, thanks for letting me join...I have a 2001 Ford Explorer XLT, the only problem I have ever had is the transmission which I had rebuilt. Otherwise, been a wonderful vehicle. I do have a question. The a/c and heat only comes out the defroster. I noticed there is a vacuum line in the engine compartment that has is broken but cannot find the other end. Does anyone know how to connect the vacuum lines for the blend door to operate? Thanks and sorry to bug you on my introduction.

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Firstly, is the broken line black? The black line changes what vent the blower air comes out of, if this line is damaged or broken the default vent setting is "defrost". Can you accurately describe where abouts this break is or is it possible you can post some pics?

It is a gray line that is broken, melted through...I found the other end and reconnected and still not working. I think you are on to something but I don't know where they are to be connected. I think the lines are crossed and am not sure how they are to be connected. I was wondering if there is somewhere there are photos or something that reveals how these lines are to be connected. thank you very much

where to look..

This is a diagram of how my vacuum lines run. keep in mind I am in Australia and drive a right hand drive model so in the left hand drive models everything is the same exept they do not need to cross over to the other side because they are already on the passenger side to begin with.

The grey vacuum line is for the hot water valve only, If you still get hot air when you turn up your thermostat then the grey vacuum line is fine.

Now where the vacuum lines run under between the plastic air conditioning box and the foil like heat insulation, they have a tendancy to kink and snap in there.

I think this is where you should look for damage.

I started a thread on here about it when it happened to me. click on this link for more information ---


Thank you thank you thank you, I appreciate the information very much. I found the crossed lines and the blend door is working fine. The grey was crossed with the black line like your display shows. Thanks a million.

By the way to anyone needing the power seat motors...I have two power seat motors for my 2001 Ford explorer that work fine. My seat rack was bad and I thought it was the motors. There are three that work the seat moving forward and back, up and down, and tilting. If you know of anyone needing these motors let me know, I paid $50 for a set and it mine were I have no need for two extra sets...if anyone needs some let me know...thanks

Rubber Boot..

I Checked the ball accumulator and found no problems with the connections down there.

I then decided to but the ends up on the black vaccuum line as the aquarium tubing was squashed down flat..


The problem still persists with the vents going back to "Defrost" When using the gas pedal. Unfortunately I enjoy using the gas pedal and the A/C at the same time.

I'm now going to Supercheap Auto to get a rubber boot that will side over the vacuum line. And perhaps a new vacuum line because the black is a little tight in that spot now.

:D And may be some spot lights, or a winch.

