Is this a common problem with Explorer fuel pressure regulator? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is this a common problem with Explorer fuel pressure regulator?


New Member
October 19, 2000
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I have a 99 Explorer, 4.0L SOHC. No previous problems as long as I've owned it.
Drove home Monday night, no problems. Tuesday wouldn't start. Engine would crank fast but wouldn't fire.

At the Ford dealer it started for them, with difficulty, after which they couldn't find anything wrong with it. (No codes from the ECM).

They did a search for related technical service bulletins and found one about hard start/no start condition due to fuel pressure bleed down on 1999-2001 explorers and mountaineers. The mechanic said this is a somewhat common problem with explorers, with the in-tank fuel pressure regulator malfunctioning.
He recommended replacing the fuel pump (said the regulator is part of the pump), saying Ford had changed the design to prevent the problem.
The pump is $295, and with labor it would have been over $500! I pickup up the truck so I'd have time to find out more about this problem.

What I'd like to know is, how many others have experienced the problem? And if Ford changed the design, doesn't that indicate a design flaw? Shouldn't Ford do least bear part of the cost of the fuel pump replacement?

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If you have a '99. wouldn't this still be under the basic 3yr, 36K mi warranty ( esp. if there's a TSB on it)? Some dealers won't mention the warranty unless you ask: the basic reason being they definitely lose money doing warranty work. Terrible business practice, but I've encountered it! My family had owned a small country Ford dealership
since 1936... but my cousin sold it this year... couldn't make any money. Anyhow, I worked there summers during college and know how poorly Ford reimburses the dealers for warranty work!

Not for me... my Explorer has 38K, just out of warranty.

I'm surprised about the warranty work, though. I always thought that would be a good deal for the dealership. Don't they get paid their full rate from Ford for the work??

Ford has set rates for warranty work based on the time Ford corporate has determined it takes for the technician to complete the job at hand. For example, Ford (via engineering studies and other research) may have determined that it should take 2 hours to complete the repair of your fuel pump. So they will pay the dealer for 2 hours work only, even if the actual job takes 4 hours. Dealer (and service techs) get screwed out of those 2 hours. Ford is losing skilled techs because they aren't getting paid enough. Lots of disgruntled techs. BlueOvalNews has a large message board for this situation.

BAck to the original post... I think that as long as you're within your 3/36, it would be a warranty repair anyhow, wouldn't it? They were going to try to charge you for a warranty repair?!?!?! Somethin' smells fishy there... Keep us posted.

aaah, I see...

I see the problem... E-mail me and we'll chat.....
