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Key Fob Upgrade

OK, Update. I have received the fusion key. My initial experience was last night after dark, almost immediately before bed. So, not much testing has happened.

I've found write-ups for various ways to program remotes for 3rd gen explrs, though I was only able to get results by turning the key from off to start (just before cranking) 8 times within 8 seconds. Some sources said to press unlock first, others didn't mention it. Some said to keep the door open, others didn't mention this either. For me the vehicle cycled locks after 8 turns, regardless of any interaction with the door.

All sources indicated that the new remote should be able to make the vehicle respond if a button is pressed within 10-20 seconds. Nothing happened when I pressed any of the 4 buttons on the new fusion flip remote.

I can already tell that I am going to have to do some customization (dremel) on the plastic housing. It appears that there's enough material there to widen it just enough to accommodate the ford truck key width.

Aren't flip keys laser cut in the sides? May be the wrong key.

Indeed they are. The key attached to my fob is narrow but thick. There is a pin to pop out the blade and swap it, but I haven't looked into it yet.

What about PATS? Do these have the PATS transponder in them too?

Further research indicates that ford stopped using PATS several years before 2015, which is the fusion generation that this key is made for. I haven't come to understand PATS yet, or how to overcome it. Maybe there's physical hardware embedded in my key that I can excavate.

At this juncture I see three paths forward.

1. Modify this unit heavily. Wireless doesn't work so I'll have to figure that out, maybe swap the guts or flash new firmware. The key is the wrong shape, so I'll have to file out and polish, possibly fill the housing to allow for a wider blade. Furthermore, there may not be any readily available replacement blades in the form factor I seek, so I might need to befriend a blacksmith to help me make something that will fit.

2. Overcome electronic hurdles including PATS and door locks/ panic etc. Swap in a fusion ignition lock cylinder. This hardware solution may be easier than trying to screw with modifying tiny parts of they new key. I lean toward this solution because if I ever lose my key, it'll be trivial to replace it. I can just keep a set of laser cut inserts in a drawer.

3. Settle for the ford truck key with built in buttons, return the fusion key. Enjoy free time, at the cost of pocket space.

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A 4th path has emerged. Thanks to a six year old mustang forum, I found an active ebay auction for an aftermarket key that is listed to work with the 2004 explorer. For some reason the 2003 is off the list, but I am assuming that 2004 has the same tech in the keys. This looks like a great solution.

Here's the forum, where they discuss the topic in detail, as it relates to mustangs:
Here's the auction:


I ordered three of these things, and now they're all programmed to lock/ unlock the doors.

The keys are still uncut though, so I plan on trying to dremel them to the correct shape, rather than trying to get Lowes or Home Depot to do it.

But since I only have one factory PATS key, it's going to be a hurdle to get the three new ones to work.

Anyone know if there's a way to avoid the $50 at the dealer?


I ordered three of these things, and now they're all programmed to lock/ unlock the doors.

The keys are still uncut though, so I plan on trying to dremel them to the correct shape, rather than trying to get Lowes or Home Depot to do it.

But since I only have one factory PATS key, it's going to be a hurdle to get the three new ones to work.

Anyone know if there's a way to avoid the $50 at the dealer?


What's new

How to program PATS using FORScan v2.3.* - FORScan forum

Pretty sure the dealer is over $100 for PATS programming.

I'd try Lowes and Home Depot before using a dremel. Or just go to a locksmith, should not be over $2.50 to have cut.


What's new

How to program PATS using FORScan v2.3.* - FORScan forum

Pretty sure the dealer is over $100 for PATS programming.

I'd try Lowes and Home Depot before using a dremel. Or just go to a locksmith, should not be over $2.50 to have cut.

Research indicates that dealers charge $50 for PATS programming, but the info is old so odds are its gone up. $100 might be right. Ive read that if you have 2 dealer issused PATS keys, you can easily make duplicates, but with 1 key it's hard/ impossible. Maybe FORSCAN will help me circ. that limitation.

Do you know the difference between a cloned key and the kind the dealer makes? I've found LOTS of conflicting info about what is and is not possible. I guess step 1 is connecting the vehicle to FORSCAN, which I haven't done yet.

I went by Lowes on the way home, and had the keys with me, so I stopped in to try my luck. There was an old dude working in hardware, and he didn't care at all. He was awesome, we talked about old cars we've owned while the machine worked. He charged me $1.99/ each to cut the keys, and he felt bad even doing that, because I brought my own keys. The lady at check-out was confused about why I was paying for brass keys, but leaving with large fancy electronic keys.

Lowes also seemed to have a transponder cloning service, that I didn't take advantage of. I imagine I can go back later and try it, if FORSCAN doesn't work tonight. I turned down the service because I didn't want to close the door to any options, and wasn't sure exactly how it worked.

Progress update so far, the keys will the lock all the way, and the electronics will come on, but instead of the engine cranking, the red dash light just flashes rapidly.

I'll dive into PATS & FORSCAN tonight.

We only charge $50 to program keys, some other dealers charge $100. The fast flashing theft light is because the car doesn't recognize the key code. It also sets a code in the pcm for theft detected.

We only charge $50 to program keys, some other dealers charge $100. The fast flashing theft light is because the car doesn't recognize the key code. It also sets a code in the pcm for theft detected.

Thanks for notifying me of that code. Can it be cleared by restring obd codes? Or disconnect battery?

Do you have an opinion on programming PATS key code? Is FORSCAN the way to go?

Research indicates that dealers charge $50 for PATS programming, but the info is old so odds are its gone up. $100 might be right. Ive read that if you have 2 dealer issused PATS keys, you can easily make duplicates, but with 1 key it's hard/ impossible. Maybe FORSCAN will help me circ. that limitation.

Do you know the difference between a cloned key and the kind the dealer makes? I've found LOTS of conflicting info about what is and is not possible. I guess step 1 is connecting the vehicle to FORSCAN, which I haven't done yet.

I went by Lowes on the way home, and had the keys with me, so I stopped in to try my luck. There was an old dude working in hardware, and he didn't care at all. He was awesome, we talked about old cars we've owned while the machine worked. He charged me $1.99/ each to cut the keys, and he felt bad even doing that, because I brought my own keys. The lady at check-out was confused about why I was paying for brass keys, but leaving with large fancy electronic keys.

Lowes also seemed to have a transponder cloning service, that I didn't take advantage of. I imagine I can go back later and try it, if FORSCAN doesn't work tonight. I turned down the service because I didn't want to close the door to any options, and wasn't sure exactly how it worked.

Progress update so far, the keys will the lock all the way, and the electronics will come on, but instead of the engine cranking, the red dash light just flashes rapidly.

I'll dive into PATS & FORSCAN tonight.

Only options are ForScan, Dealer, Automotive Locksmith.

Cloning service won't work with your FOB's because they already have hard written ID's. It only works on the blank transponders they sell.

I for one hate the concept of cloning. It can really screw everything up especially when you get your vehicle dealer serviced. If they for some reason lose PATS programming while servicing your vehicle due to PCM replacement or another module and you only have 1 real key and 1 cloned key guess what, that dealer is selling you another real key. Also, unconfirmed, but I've heard that cloned keys have a battery in them that has to be replaced.

Final update:

FORScan was intimidating to use at first, but it was extremely straightforward. The first try failed, but I was slow. You wait twelve minutes, then you get ten seconds. The second time it showed a key count error, but I checked and the count had updated. The key started the ignition.

To program the other two keys, I inserted key 1, turned key to on, watched the red light go solid, then off. Same for key 2. Now, same procedure for they key to be programmed.

Again, it didn't work the first time but I think I went too fast through a cycle. Did it again and the key worked.

Did the key 1 key 2 thing with the final new key, and it worked. Three new flip keys! And a missing original factory key/ fob floating around out there. (5 keys total, 4 "fobs")

Final update:

FORScan was intimidating to use at first, but it was extremely straightforward. The first try failed, but I was slow. You wait twelve minutes, then you get ten seconds. The second time it showed a key count error, but I checked and the count had updated. The key started the ignition.

To program the other two keys, I inserted key 1, turned key to on, watched the red light go solid, then off. Same for key 2. Now, same procedure for they key to be programmed.

Again, it didn't work the first time but I think I went too fast through a cycle. Did it again and the key worked.

Did the key 1 key 2 thing with the final new key, and it worked. Three new flip keys! And a missing original factory key/ fob floating around out there. (5 keys total, 4 "fobs")

So you already had a USB ELM? If not that was some fast shipping, lol.

If there are missing keys once all is confirmed working I do a full wipe and start over to remove the missing keys so the key count matches the number of keys you actually have.

I would just do all the keys with ForScan for forgo the using two to add, you can even disable that ability with ForScan (I think Ford offers it for Fleet vehicles to use to prevent keys being added, example, when you rent from Enterprise they give you both keys and remotes to vehicles, so you could easily buy a blank PATS from Ford and copy the key and add it unless the add via keys is disabled)

I received 2 keys with my exp but the count showed 3 so I wiped and reprogrammed the 2 I had knowing they are real Ford stratec keys and not clones.

I also had a flat "service key" cut that I keep in my wallet for emergency entry via the door key lock.

I actually had a wifi odb2 adapter. It's made by Veepeak I believe.

Good advice, I wanted to wipe them, but the directions made it sound like I could end up stuck with not enough original keys to get any of them working again, including the one original that I do have. From what you're saying, it sounds like I'd be all set though, is that right?

I actually had a wifi odb2 adapter. It's made by Veepeak I believe.

Good advice, I wanted to wipe them, but the directions made it sound like I could end up stuck with not enough original keys to get any of them working again, including the one original that I do have. From what you're saying, it sounds like I'd be all set though, is that right?

Ya they give that warning in case you bought incompatible chinese ebay keys or something that the PATS module won't accept. Or if you have 1 real key and 1 clone of that real key, wont work. Since you've confirmed they all work you should have no problem adding them.

If you know where the missing key is, like in a sewer or at the bottom of a lake I would not worry about it, but if it's unknown who may have it I would wipe it.

I am ware this is older post, but I too am interested in upgrading my 2009 Ford Explorer EB ~ FROM: OEM transponder ignition key head with a separate 4 button FOB (lock/unlock, alarm, trunk(back glass) remote... TO an OEM ( or good aftermarket) FORD transponder ignition key head with integral 4 button fob in the head. I currently have the original OEM transponder key heads that work fine, but both of the plastic top loops are broken. I have only 1 of the OEM 4 button FOBs. It appears this is possible from reading this post string. My first problem is I cannot for the life of me go to the Official Ford Parts Catalogue under the VIN for my 2009 Explorer and find my current transponder key by NAME...BECAUSE I do not know what Ford calls it! Once I get the part name right, I can look up a later model OEM FORD one piece transponder key with integral 4 buttons. Any help on that would be appreciated. Other Questions, when programming a pair of upgraded keys, will my old OEM keys still work? Will my little 4 button remote still work? I only have 1 OEM little 4 button remote FOBs... will that prevent me from programing the 4 buttons on a pair of new keys with built in 4 buttons? HELP. Any comments or suggestons would be appreciated! THANKS!
