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Keyless remote problems


New Member
June 23, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Winston Salem, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4dr 2WD
Recently had my blower motor go out in my 96 XLT. In checking the fuses I disconnected the battery as recommended in the owners manual. Upon reconnection my keyless entry keypad as well as remotes now do not work. It appears as though the automatic door locking feature has also stopped as well as the security system. I tried the standard reprogramming with turning the ignition off/on, but the car would not enter the programming mode. Decided to take it to local dealer and they could not get it to work either. Now I discovered that my cruise control has also ceased. What the heck is going on? Prior to th blower motor going out I had no poroblems with anything, especially electronics. Anybody got any hints/ideas/solutions???
